Page 16 - NAMAH-Oct-2020
P. 16

Namah                                  Vol. 28, Issue 3, 15th October 2020

        existence of the animal as it exhausts the  which cannot be cunningly hidden by whatever
        chief source of vitality and the animal often  amount of suppression or repression and
        becomes a prey to it unless this emotion  pure anger is next to universal love in its
        is moderated or totally overcome. Often  spiritual chastity. Animal rage or aggression
        this emotion is considered as equivalent to  is equally admirable as an integral expression
        pleasure and indulgence in it is accepted as  of Nature`s beauty but in human beings,
        a relief from stress. But the risk of running  its virtuous use lies only as an impetus
        into grave dangers of evil and subconscient  to grow out of tamas into sattva and rajas.
        memories soon surfaces as a threat to the  It has to be an expression of Kali over the
        life-process by creating confusion between  obstacles that impede spiritual growth or
        the forms of replication from one form to  an expression of Rudra which permanently
        other. When it is palpably present, the animal  destroys menacingly awkward behaviours.
        grows restless and gradually gets frustrated  Otherwise, it can behaviourally reduce the
        and this leads to krodha or anger. One can  status of man to a beast. When krodha is
        infer that when anger is strong, there must  harnessed into energy or is sublimated into
        be some desire unfulfilled.              obstinate dexterity and courage, it can achieve
                                                 goals that are otherwise impossible.
        At the animalistic level, krodha or anger
        is the chief means to overpower and it is  Lobha or avarice is a natural successor of anger,
        easily used as a means to achieve a goal or  as whatever is achieved through anger has to
        attain control over other animals. Those who  be gathered and stored so that it will be out of
        express anger or rage have the advantage  reach of other animals or persons. Avarice is
        of growing powerful in the group they live  a covert emotion. It is never overtly expressed
        in and that is why this emotion is skilfully  and it always chooses a substitute among the
        indulged in for all bad causes. As it is with  five other emotions to express itself. Lobha or
        all other negative emotions, anger by itself  avarice has the ability to pin down the being
        is not bad and often it is the justifiable way  to tamas. One who is overpowered by lobha
        of expressing one`s frustration over things or  thinks that it is to the peace and calmness
        events that do not heed the need for change  of sattva that he is clinging and not to the
        or become obstacles to change. In cases where  inertia of tamas. While krodha is radical cutting
        no ill-will or bad desire is palpable behind  out from Rajas, lobha is tenacious sticking to
        this emotion, it is the revolt of rajas over tamas  tamas because of the fear of total destruction.
        such that sattva can retain its noble place in  The positive side of this emotion is that it
        the transitional time-frame. It sends shudders  can withstand the scorching fire of rajas and
        along the nerves and the energy explodes  save the being from total annihilation. This
        in the internal and external environment at  emotion counterbalances krodha and thus
        once. In the order of evolution, this is the  becomes a natural successor to krodha as it
        chief emotion which differentiates the animal  is only in this way the existence can survive
        kingdom from the plant kingdom.          after a fit of exhaustive loss because of krodha.

        Whereas kama is cunningly explosive, krodha  Moha or infatuation is the preoccupation
        is truly explosive. krodha is the only emotion  of the mind or of the whole being with

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