Page 51 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 51
Book review
A Torch in the Dark
An experiential and Integral Guide to Our Growth
Author: James Anderson
Publisher: Auro Publications
Printed at Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 243
Price: Rs. 400 / US$ 10.
ISBN: 978-81-7060-423-5
There are three kinds of books related to spiritual thought. The first kind is focused on
spiritual philosophy and deals with the metaphysical truths as enunciated in spiritual
books. The second kind focuses on spiritual practices and deals mainly with ways and
techniques and methods to arrive at these truths.
There is, however, a third kind of spiritual literature which is presented to us in the form
of a personal story but a story that beautifully combines both spiritual philosophy and
spiritual practice. It approaches spiritual truths from a very personal angle. This may at
times seem to limit its usefulness. But this initial limitation, if any, is more than compensated
by the deeply personal example with which we are able to connect and engage intimately.
It provides us an immediate connection with another fellow-traveller who has struggled
and endured and navigated through the spiritual journey and continues to travel further
through the thick and thin of it.
This is especially helpful since yoga happens in real time. It is not so much a set of
techniques that can be picked up from a book by all and sundry and whose application is
bound to give us the desired result in a mathematical manner. The techniques are there no
doubt, but much more important than the techniques are the attitudes and the aspiration
that stand behind them, the faith and the sincerity that truly brings results and helps us
advance through the various challenges of life. Always these challenges have a double
aspect. There is the outer challenge which we see but to the yogin a much greater challenge
lies within which he must uncover and face and conquer.
This book is centred around the journey of the author, James Anderson, who took to