Page 46 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 46

Namah                                  Vol. 28, Issue 4, 15th January 2021

        But Sri Aurobindo describes that, at a higher  en route to a true spiritual era. Only we have
        level of consciousness, we can have a true  to be cautious that the freedom we cherish
        spontaneity of freedom without any dis-  must manifest in a matrix of harmony and
        harmony or chaos;                        must be in consonance with our endeavour
                                                 to surpass ourselves along the trajectory of
        “It is even possible that our original state was  consciousness.This would need the help of
        an instinctive animal spontaneity of free and  a new psychology arising from the annals of
        fluid association and that our final ideal state  Integral Yoga, a truly consciousness-based
        will be an enlightened, intuitive spontaneity  psychology that helps to progress through
        of free and fluid association (7).”  It would be  the supra-cognitive planes of consciousness.
        a divine anarchy where individual freedom
        would not belittle societal growth but instead  References
        would facilitate a new type of higher living.
                                                 1.  Sri Aurobindo. The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo,
        Such a philosophic Anarchism that, is guided   Volume 13. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
        by the inner law of right and spontaneous   Trust; 1998, p. 204.
        love, thinking and action, one that is not curbed
        by societal and ethical codes or governmental   2.  Sri Aurobindo. CWSA, Volume 34; 1997, p. 652
        laws and strictures, has been the dream of
        humanity since man began to dream and    3.  Sri Aurobindo. CWSA, Volume 28; 2012, p. 491.
                                                 4.  Ibid., p. 492.
        In counselling too we cannot afford to
        downplay or inhibit the urge to freedom that   5.  Sri Aurobindo. CWSA, Volume 25; 1997, p. 29.
        may not necessarily be a sign of outrageousness,
        but a product of the Time-Spirit or Zeitgeist that   6.  CWSA, Volume 21; 2005, p. 104.
        is pressing the human consciousness to rise
        from the individualistic to the subjective age   7.  Sri Aurobindo. CWSA, Volume 25, p. 292.

          Dr. Soumitra Basu, a practising psychiatrist and member of SAIIIHR, is the Director of a school of
                psychology, Integral Yoga Psychology. He is also one of the editors of NAMAH.

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