Page 25 - NAMAH-Jul-2021
P. 25
Namah Beholding our dark shadows
without our awareness. In fact the Mother the emperors. It is like the wise old man who
has pointed this out many times when she looks straight into our eyes with a strange
says that what we dislike the most in others smile on his lips, looking right through us
are the same traits that lie within us. Working while we are giving an ‘honest’ description
and assimilating our shadow within our self- of ‘who we really are’. And when we keep
concept is a life-long work, and interminable. ignoring its calls, it is also that wild beast
Any time we are seduced to believe that we who runs towards us in our nightmares to
have no shadow any more, it is then that we ‘shake us up’ and finally take note of all
are most unconscious of it and thus most the wild instincts simmering within but
vulnerable to its disruptive influence. which we simply won’t acknowledge. The
shadow uses many ways of reaching out to
As mentioned above, shadow is what is in us, because it wishes to be integrated and be
darkness, in the unconscious, out of our made conscious, to whatever extent possible,
conscious sight and it contains significant and to make us more whole and integrated.
psychic energy within it. The need to ‘unlock’
and begin to relate to our shadow parts is To closely observe ourselves when we find
precisely to free up these energies which then ourselves disliking someone or certain habits
help us towards our growth and putting us and traits we find intolerable can be an entry
on the road of an authentic living, where point into our own recesses. In addition to
we are neither ‘superior’ to our fellow men such projections, our dreams too can bring us
and women nor ‘inferior’, but potentially in touch with our shadow aspects which call
share all their virtues and vices and yet for integration and gives us a more balanced
experience our self and life from our own personality.
unique individuality. Working with the shadow
also is a truly humbling process, because time
and time again we come face to face with
exactly those qualities in us which are so easy
(and also fun) to find in others and condemn
them for it, make scapegoats out of people
while conveniently ‘living in our castles built
in thin air’.
The shadow makes us whole because it
keeps us embodied
The shadow is like that tough teacher who
keeps noting down our own weaknesses,
moral failures, hypocrisies, as well as bright
spots and strengths which we would rather
not see. It is like that small child in the fairy
tale who cried out in front of the common
folks, “The emperor is naked”, where we are