Page 29 - NAMAH-Jul-2021
P. 29

Namah                                     Offer and transcend your grief

        is addressed in conjunction with the rest of  shift is ultimately required as the psychic
        our being. It is almost simultaneous. To  being exists in a different dimension but
        a degree then, there is a ‘domino’ process  its influence can be felt even in the initial
        to our inner change and transformation.  stages of yoga. The connection should be
        However, it is very necessary to do the ‘hard  treasured and nurtured and put above every
        yards’ in the first place! There has to be much  other consideration in life.  Nothing durable
        practice and preparation before the fruits  can be achieved without this. The psychic
        of this yoga get totally integrated within  being is a little different from the soul itself
        us. There is a vivid sense of momentum  as it is something which evolves through our
        and progress when one engages in Integral  countless lifetimes. In a sense, it surrounds
        Yoga and moves from one small victory to  the soul, which represents an unchanging
        the next, but nothing is truly resolved until  spark of the Divine. The psychic being on
        everything is transformed. Once one starts  the other hand, is the Divine Person with
        on this path, one has to go to the very end.  a unique individuality; it organises our
                                                 unique destiny and contribution to the world-
        There are ways of working with grief which  play.
        open a door to this sublime conclusion. The
        most necessary condition is to establish  With the psychic being also comes a true
        a much centred poise. If a relationship  understanding and discernment, an ability
        with your psychic being has begun, it is  to intuitively distinguish   between wrong
        this foothold which needs to be repeatedly  movements and right. If we can manage
        attained. There is a motion of alignment  this, then grief does not need to remain a
        and constant realignment around this  factor in our lives. However, many of us
        unique entity. We have to learn to look at  live in a halfway-zone between awareness
        all our movements from the eyes of the soul.  and realisation, so an assiduous practice
        When we learn to do this, everything falls  and vigilant presence is a first necessity.
        magically into place. We gradually find the  Whenever you find yourself consumed
        solution to all our inner disharmonies. We  by grief, try this procedure. It is simple
        witness our patterns and finally, through this  but not easy to  practice so it may require
        influence, everything can be changed. Our  repetition. It is a challenging way to counter
        awareness becomes dynamic and graduates  an extremely difficult condition but its
        into a consciousness, accompanied always  action will assist your growth and point
        by a transmuting Force. The alchemy comes  the way to a greater inner mastery.
        from our growing connection with the psychic
        influence, which possesses this capacity to
        truly change.

        Here, we are specifically looking at grief, but
        the process  described is valid for dealing
        with any other negative pattern. The first
        step to dealing with it is to establish a
        connection with this evolving soul. A radical

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