Page 52 - NAMAH-Jan-2022
P. 52
Namah Vol. 29, Issue 4, 15th January 2021
We are so graced to have such a tangible flow of consciousness in the early stages is
personification of the Fire in the Mother impossible but when one surrenders one’s
Herself. When we surrender to the Fire, practice, magical changes can happen. We
we surrender to the Mother Herself. She are all evolving and the aim is to fill those
embodies all we aspire for. Look at her photo gaps and intervals of unconsciousness
and you see the Fire. As her children, we with the dynamic attention and awareness
can lay everything at her feet. It is the same that represents our consciousness. It is an
thing. We should offer our virtues as well exercise in living truly and it is still a matter
as our flaws, because everything in human of personal effort.
nature is mixed in essence. The Fire is also
the Will for progress. Unite yourself around Sometimes the Fire might scald and bring
it and consciously observe all your cravings suffering and pain. Don’t run away from
and impulses become a single inexhaustible this: it occurs when we surrender something
Flame. our ego doesn’t want to give up. There is
a part in us that craves to always hold on.
Try to keep your consciousness always turned We have to become conscious of this part
to the Fire. When you are going through your and always offer it to the Fire. When we do
daily activities remember to always add fuel this it is likely to hurt. These proclivities
to it. Our practice should become a seamless and attachments have only become a habit.
process. It is your aspiration which will Allow the Fire to dismantle all your habits.
ensure this. There is so much that is twisted We have to learn to walk through its flames;
and tainted in our nature but it is better not this is the work of a lifetime. Eventually
to focus solely on the defects but to offer all, though, each motion of surrender brings a
even the activities themselves. After all, it is feeling of completion and release and each
an integral solution that we seek. successive offering liberates the soul from
our bondage to limitation and misery. It
The moment a wrong movement arises fills a lack in the being. We start by offering
in the being, catch and offer it to the Fire. the obvious blemishes and end by offering
It works with desire, it works with anger every moment of our daily life. It is a
and it works with everything. The secret simultaneous and spontaneous process.
is to be always conscious. You must be
attentive and awake. Nobody can predict As the process of purification unfolds, our
when the movement is going to come but nature will gradually get emptied of its
there are certain triggers which in time more ignorant contents. What we yearn for
you will begin to recognise. But you must is a transparent nature that radiates around
always remain alert and poised. Don’t the soul. Everything should be a reflection
expect anything: just observe. When you are of the psychic being because in reality this
conscious you will instantaneously feel the entity is all that we truly are. What we yearn
movement appearing. As soon as it surfaces for is a nature that truly assists our growth.
you offer. The consciousness can resolve So as we purify ourselves, our aspiration
everything. Maintaining a continuous becomes more single-pointed. Our mind