Page 20 - NAMAH-Apr-2022
P. 20

Namah                                    Vol. 30, Issue 1, 24th April 2022

        It is also important to know that social  gnostic community.... He has said, of course,
        evolution does not proceed along a straight   that, for this, the individuals constituting
        line. Like with the individual, human groups  this collectivity should themselves have
        also move along spirals wherein there seems   this supramental consciousness; but even
        to be a fall of the general level at times but   without attaining an individual perfection
        the rise that inevitably would follow if the  — even while very far from it — there was
        core aspiration and faith are kept intact will   at the same time an inner effort to create this
        be higher. Each descent prepares for a greater   “collective individuality”, so to speak.
        ascent. The Mother explains:
                                                 The need for a real union, a deeper bond has
        “For a very long time the Ashram was only a   been felt and the effort has been directed
        gathering of individuals, each one representing   towards that realisation. This has caused
        something, but as an individual and without   some... disturbance, for the tendency was
        any collective organisation. They were like   formerly so individualistic that certain habits
        separate pawns on a chess-board — united   have been upset I don’t mean materially, for
        only in appearance — or rather by the purely   things are not very different from what they
        superficial fact of living together in the same   were, but in a somewhat deeper consciousness.
        place and having a few habits in common —   And above all — that is the point I want
        not even very many, only a few. Each one   to emphasise — this has created a certain
        progressed — or didn’t progress — according   inner interdependence which has naturally
        to his own capacity and with a minimum of   lowered the individual level — a little —
        relations with others. So, in accordance with   except for those who had already attained
        the value of the individuals constituting this   an inner realisation strong enough to be
        odd assemblage, one could say that there was   able to resist this movement of what I might
        a general value, but a very nebulous one, with   call “levelling”. And this is what gives the
        no collective reality.                   impression that the general level has fallen,
                                                 which is not correct. The general level is
        This lasted a very long time — very long.   on a higher plane than it formerly was, but
        And it is only quite recently that the need for a   the individual level has dropped in many
        collective reality began to appear — which is not   cases, and individuals who were capable of
        necessarily limited to the Ashram but embraces   one realisation or another have felt, without
        all who have declared themselves — I don’t   understanding why, weighed down by a load
        mean materially but in their consciousness   they did not have to carry before, which is
        — to be disciples of Sri Aurobindo and have   the result of this interdependence. It is just a
        tried to live his teaching. Among all of them,   temporary effect which, on the other hand,
        and more strongly since the manifestation of   will lead to an improvement, a very tangible
        the Supramental Consciousness and Force,   general progress.
        there has awakened the necessity for a true
        communal life, which would not be based only   Of course, if each individual was conscious, if
        on purely material circumstances but would   instead of yielding to this kind of levelling effect,
        represent a deeper truth, and be the beginning   he resisted it in order to transform, transmute,
        of what Sri Aurobindo calls a supramental or   uplift the elements, influences, currents he

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