Page 40 - NAMAH-Apr-2022
P. 40
Namah Vol. 30, Issue 1, 24th April 2022
inside but awaiting release. If they are not greater surety if one works with the psychic.
shown the light, they can rise up and create There are many forces (some misleading and
mischief at the slightest provocation. When inimical), that can descend and bring about
we release these patterns from our body, our your fall but if you sincerely call the Mother
inner psychology is freed. So we work in repeatedly before and throughout each sitting,
and through our body to reach down and the authentic Force, that of transformation,
uncover the formations that lie buried will always shine through. There is no greater
underneath. The torchlight we use is always safeguard and immunity than to cling to Her. It
our consciousness. It brings these negative also makes the process truly dynamic because
patterns out of their slumber and onto the this Force integrates everything it touches.
surface. Once they show their face, they are Integrality implies harmony and through this
dissolved and transformed. state, it is securely preparing your nature for
the divine Work. It is infusing your whole
We invoke the Mother’s Presence for this being, through the portal of the body, with its
work and scan gradually from above the transmuting presence.
head right down to our feet which touch
the earth. We don’t judge but simply look Our nature is such that obstacles are inevitable.
disinterestedly at what is there. Whatever An almost dogged patience and persistence
appears comes beneath the gaze of our always assists. An unceasing aspiration is
consciousness. We keep our station above and the foundation of all meaningful success.
do not identify with what we see. However Nature cannot be changed overnight; vast
we immerse ourselves in the experience. We tracts of conditioning have gone into its
intensely feel it. We might feel a stab of pain creation. Determination is the levy that
or the occasional pang of bitterness, but we we have to pay for long-term integration
keep the integral poise, which is to be turned and change.
always to the Mother and indeed the psychic
influence. We always come back to our consciousness
and any resistance the descent meets will
We are working with a descending Force too. eventually be overcome by the beams of
This Force acts in unison with the radiating its torchlight. So wherever the Force meets
influence of the psychic being itself. If one any distortion, knot or pain, something that
has taken the integral path, we start to clearly arrests its flow, stop and hold your gaze on
feel this descent. From day one, when I first that point of the body. Just be present with
came to Pondicherry, I had felt this almost the resistance and enquire gently why it is
uncomfortable pressure at the top of my head. there. You can even do this out loud. An
It was surely resistance that produced the answer may spontaneously come. One may
discomfort but now it is one of the first things see an affliction but also a truth behind. Open
I try to open to as I arise each morning. It gives yourself to receive this knowledge. If you
me the reassuring confirmation of ‘work in disinterestedly enquire, the resolution and
progress’. panacea will come. The culmination of this
work is a saturation of divine Peace. It can be
However, we have to be careful. There is much experienced as a downpour of Grace! This is