Page 55 - NAMAH-Apr-2022
P. 55

Namah                                                     Reflections

        Laziness and mental depression are born  thus transforms their consciousness to a higher
        as a result of a low vital that disconnects  level. This fulfils the main aim of education:
        us from our core, leading to states of lower  rising to a higher level of consciousness.
        consciousness (moving us away from the
        psychic being).                          Practical ways to strengthen the vital

        Thus, we can see that uplifting the vital can  In the process of understanding my own
        actually transform the physical as well as the  vital, I have realised its importance in the
        mental aspects of a being and help him/her  education of a child. Some practical ways
        to achieve a higher level of consciousness.   of educating the senses in children, so as to
                                                 develop a stronger vital, are:
        In children, these emotions and feelings are
        a result of their sensory perceptions in the  1. Daily physical exercise
        initial years. As they grow, the thoughts and  Physical exercise, preferably at the beginning
        emotions which arise as a result of these sensory  of the day, can help to strengthen the
        experiences are responsible for shaping their  vital in a child.  Physical education is the
        character.                               starting-point of strengthening the vital
                                                 of a child, as it helps in increasing his or
        Therefore, as the Mother has said that, “This  her will-power and perseverance. Along
        vital education has two principal aspects,  with this, it provides the enthusiasm and
        very different in their aims and methods,  the positive energy which the child needs
        but both equally important. The first concerns  daily to perform his tasks.
        the development and use of the sense organs.
        The second the progressing awareness and
        control of the character, culminating in its
        transformation (2).”

        Children with a higher and lower vital

        A child with a higher vital will have a desire
        for progress and a strong will to move forward
        in life. On the other hand, a child with low vital
        energies will have a weak will-power, low
        attention-span and a lack of perseverance in
        carrying out tasks to completion. As a result  2.  Regular nature walks
        of the low vital energies, the child may suffer  Nature walks expose children to the beauty
        from low self-esteem and will be preoccupied  and harmony of nature. The beauty in nature,
        with fear, anger and laziness.           even something as simple as the beauty of
                                                 flowers, fill the heart with a certain feeling
        Thus, incorporating a vital education into the  of wonder and love for the surroundings,
        curriculum makes them become more aware  which is a positive emotion, having a positive
        of their thoughts, emotions and actions and  impact on our vital.

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