Page 56 - NAMAH-Apr-2022
P. 56
Namah Vol. 30, Issue 1, 24th April 2022
Natural surroundings either with trees, water- feel incapable of acting in a crude, brutal or
bodies or hills and mountains also inculcate vulgar manner (3).”
within us a sense of deep serenity and peace,
which again have a positive impact on the vital. 4. Pleasant home atmosphere
Apart from this, a simple practice followed
Nature also includes birds, animals and by parents of making their homes a beautiful
little creatures which often go unnoticed in place, can also instill a child’s mind with
our day-to-day life. On coming into contact beauty and harmony. Making homes
with these creatures, children can develop beautiful, does not imply filling them with
a sense of compassion and empathy. These costly show-pieces, but rather it implies
traits if developed at a young age can go incorporating the beauty of nature with
a long way in the formation of a loving plants and flowers and keeping the place
individual. well organised)
3. Art and music The second part of vital education is the
Art and music play a great role in the transformation of character. This especially
refinement of the senses of a child. As adults, applies to children between the ages of 8 -18
we have experienced that art and music can years.
naturally relax our mind and connect us with
our innermost core (soul/psychic). Till today moral education has become a part
In their younger years, especially from 3 to of the curriculum in schools, but unfortunately
6 years of age, children are ‘natural artists’. it has not been able to impart a strong character
They can express themselves more through to the students.
art than through reading and writing.
Why is this so? The Mother has said that
Incorporating art in the curriculum right a child cannot learn by merely preaching/
from a younger age helps a child to express teaching a certain value, but parents and
his observations and emotions in a more educators have to be a living example in order
colourful and creative way and also makes to inculcate the value in the child.
his learning-process more interesting and
enjoyable. Exposing a child to beautiful art- The child, by experiencing the positive impact
forms and melodious music can inculcate of these values from his surrounding fellow
within him or her a deep sense of harmony beings will naturally imbibe them without
and peace. any effort.
“A methodical and enlightened cultivation of Reflections
the senses can, little by little, eliminate from
the child whatever is by contagion vulgar, Another way of working with these values is
commonplace and crude. This education will to incorporate ‘reflections’ as a part of the daily
have very happy effects even on his character. curriculum of the children in this age-group.
For one who has developed a truly refined
taste will, because of this very refinement, In simple words, reflecting their thoughts