Page 40 - NAMAH-Jul-2022
P. 40

Namah                                     Vol. 30, Issue 2, 15th July 2022

        evolutionary conflict between the forces  an opportunity for the full pursuit of other
        of an ascending evolution and the forces of   and greater aims surpassing the material
        a retrograde downward gravitation and a  existence, for the discovery of a higher truth
        shifting of power centres.               and good and beauty, for the discovery of
                                                 a greater and diviner spirit which would
        Sri Aurobindo spoke of the evolutionary   intervene and use life for a higher perfection
        crisis that had taken the form of a crisis of   of the being: but it is being used instead for
        human values, a crisis of events so to say, at   the multiplication of new wants and an
        the beginning of the previous century. Or,  aggressive expansion of the collective ego. At
        to use a more comprehensive word from  the same time Science has put at his disposal
        the Indian mystic thought, it is a crisis and   many potencies of the universal Force and
        conflict through a field of evolving dharma.   has made the life of humanity materially one;
                                                 but what uses this universal Force is a little
        “At present mankind is undergoing an     human individual or communal ego with
        evolutionary crisis in which is concealed   nothing universal in its light of knowledge
        a choice of its destiny; for a stage has been   or its movements, no inner sense or power
        reached in which the human mind has achieved   which would create in this physical drawing
        in certain directions an enormous development   together of the human world a true life unity,
        while in others it stands arrested and bewildered   a mental unity or a spiritual oneness. All that
        and can no longer find its way. A structure of   is there is a chaos of clashing mental ideas,
        the external life has been raised up by man’s   urges of individual and collective physical
        ever-active mind and life-will, a structure of   want and need, vital claims and desires,
        an unmanageable hugeness and complexity,   impulses of an ignorant life-push, hungers
        for the service of his mental, vital, physical   and calls for life satisfaction of individuals,
        claims and urges, a complex political, social,   classes, nations, a rich fungus of political and
        administrative, economic, cultural machinery,   social and economic nostrums and notions,
        an organised collective means for his  a hustling medley of slogans and panaceas
        intellectual, sensational, aesthetic and material   for which men are ready to oppress and be
        satisfaction. Man has created a system of   oppressed, to kill and be killed, to impose
        civilisation which has become too big for his   them somehow or other by the immense
        limited mental capacity and understanding   and too formidable means placed at his
        and his still more limited spiritual and moral   disposal, in the belief that this is his way
        capacity to utilise and manage, a too dangerous   out to something ideal. The evolution of human
        servant of his blundering ego and its appetites.   mind and life must necessarily lead towards
        For no greater seeing mind, no intuitive soul   an increasing universality; but on a basis of
        of knowledge has yet come to his surface of   ego and segmenting and dividing mind this
        consciousness which could make this basic   opening to the universal can only create a vast
        fullness of life a condition for the free growth   pullulation of unaccorded ideas and impulses,
        of something that exceeded it. This new fullness   a surge of enormous powers and desires, a
        of the means of life might be, by its power   chaotic mass of unassimilated and intermixed
        for a release from the incessant unsatisfied   mental, vital and physical material of a larger
        stress of his economic and physical needs,   existence which, because it is not taken up

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