Page 42 - NAMAH-Jul-2022
P. 42

Namah                                     Vol. 30, Issue 2, 15th July 2022

        upon while the predator shows a decline over  leading to a constant clash and quarrel
        centuries or millenniums. Slow though it may  to affirm and assert one’s own separate
        be for our impatience, nature has the art and  ego-individuality. Here we must draw a
        the wisdom of accomplishing its purposes in  distinction between separate and distinct.
        much more comprehensive ways than a quick  Distinctness and differentiation is part of
        hasty solution would admit. Yet one can  the evolutionary process. But the sense of
        consciously engage with this urge towards  separation is different. It makes an individual
        Unity provided we widen our consciousness.  erroneously believe that he is not only
                                                 different but separate from everything and
        But this widening will not be enough and  everyone else. Here we can take an example
        even dangerous if it is without the wisdom  of the human body. Each part of the body is
        that has organised life. A thoughtless widening  distinct and has its own unique place and
        will tend to reduce things to an early primitive  function in the totality. Each is a necessary
        undifferentiated tribal state of mankind where  part of the whole. But if any of the part begins
        the only difference is physical and certain habits  to act as if independently and completely
        of living that develop depending upon the  oblivious of all others, if each begins to
        outer circumstances of birth and life. Rather,  threaten the existence of others and multiplies
        we must strive to access the wisdom that has  inordinately then we have a situation that is
        arranged things in a graded evolutionary  dangerous both to the body as well as the
        hierarchical manner in Time and Space.   organ itself. So how are the different parts of
                                                 the body held together? It is through some
        We have to also respect the rhythm of  kind of a central will that holds the sense of
        progress that is different in different stages of  a larger whole against whose background
        evolution. This distinction and differentiation  the different parts function.
        and the evolutionary rhythms cannot be done
        by arbitrary human reason. It is possible only  The individuals must function in a similar
        if we access the Wisdom hidden behind its  way. If each strives to find the central Will
        works in Nature. This is what the seers and  that operates within him and fulfil its purpose
        yogis of the Vedas were arriving at, through  rather than succumbing to the law of desire,
        which they organised a many layered, many-  that imitates will but is born out of the
        hued rainbow social order in India. Their  separative ego-individuality, then half the
        search led them to a state where Truth in all  problem will be over. The other half can be
        its vastness as well as complexity could be  dealt with if we understand the larger context
        discovered. They used three words to express  in which we operate. Thus for example, if an
        it:Satyam, Rtam, Vrhatam. This was their royal  individual functions in the larger context of
        road to build harmony for true unity that  a nation, a nation in the larger context of the
        takes care of diversity and which can only  world and the world in the larger context
        be built by an ascending harmony and not  of the earth and all its creatures then we

        through a forced absorption and uniformity.  shall be closer to discovering the ways and
                                                 means of eradicating war. It means a coming
        The psychological reasons are of course the  together of individuals for a common good,
        strong sense of ego and desire in everyone,  a consideration of the common aim of life

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