Page 31 - NAMAH-Oct-2022
P. 31

Namah                      Consciousness — the Need for a New Paradigm

                                                 Ostensibly, the whole gamut of evidence
                                                 cannot be accounted using materialistic
                                                 tools;  a  significant  amount  can  only  be
                                                 acknowledged through non-materialistic
                                                 paradigms, albeit, through some technique
                                                 of consciousness.

                                                 Pre-programmed antecedents

                                                 It is true that science has been able to demystify
        denote “a dynamic intuitive conviction in  many of our myths that have emerged from
        the inner being of the truth of supersensible  ignorance. That is how psychiatry was freed
        things  which  cannot  be  proved  by  any  from the clutches of witchcraft. There are
        physical evidence but which are a subject  also unique situations when science itself
        of experience (9).” Such an experiential  ends up with puzzles which can be illumined
        faith cannot merit an ‘a priori denial’ on  by spiritual insights. One is reminded of
        the ground that it contradicts scientific  the famous experiment by neuro-surgeon
        theories because “it rests on a great mass  Benjamin Libet and physiologist Hans
        of  human  experience  which  has  been  Kornhuber, who demonstrated that the
        accumulating through the centuries and the  brain was in a state of readiness potential
        millenniums as well as the personal intuitive  a full three-quarters of a second before a
        perception (10).” Rather than denouncing  subject exercised his free-will to initiate a
        faith, it would be more judicious to study  particular action.
        and understand the supra-physical and
        supra-rational techniques of acquisition of  Ramachandran generalised that it is the
        knowledge which have hitherto remained  brain who is really in charge and what we
        in the domain of mysticism.              call free-will is in all possibility a post-hoc
                                                 rationalisation, albeit a delusion (12)!   Even
        It is expected that the first rule of science  without this experiment, many people all
        should  be  to  account  for  all  the  data,  over the world would vouchsafe that a
        experience, information, and facts that  moment before a vehicular accident, one
        can be gathered for a particular topic. If  sometimes felt uncanny or uneasy and
        a scientific theory cannot account for all  made the correct movement to prevent
        the facts, it may represent a limited, even  a mishap.  This fact, that the brain is in
        if useful way of thinking, but not the final  readiness potential even before an action is
        truth. The materialistic equation of mind  conceived and executed, was not unknown
        with the brain is inadequate as it does not  to the spiritual tradition.
        take into cognisance all the data, facts and
        experiences. Even from the scientific point  One of Sri Aurobindo’s Aphorisms written
        of view, it is an incomplete endeavour to  in  1913  stated  that,    “Men  see  events  as
        simply acknowledge materialism without   unaccomplished, to be striven for and effected.
        considering all the evidence (11).       This is false seeing; events are not effected,

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