Page 24 - NAMAH-Jan-2023
P. 24
Namah Vol. 30, Issue 4, 15th January 2023
Vasant (Spring season) falls from mid-February for health and should not be Kaala virudha.
to mid-April-Vasant is known as nature’s youth Otherwise they become incompatible and may
and the king of all seasons. The climate is lead to lifestyle disorders or CNCDs (Chronic
warmer so Kapha which accumulated in Sisira non-communicable diseases)
liquefies in this Rtu by hotter sun rays. Kapha
Prakopa happens in this time of year. It leads Kaala and Kriyaa Kaala — Sussruta has divided
to reduced digestive power and increases the entire process of pathogenesis of the
various diseases like cough, cold, sinusitis, disease in six stages and termed it as
indigestion or digestive system disorders Shattkriyaa Kaala. Among these progressive
and other allergic conditions. stages, the first three — Sañcaya, Prakopa,
and Prasara are Dosavastha (sub-clinical stages).
Grıssma (Summer) occurs from mid-April to
mid-June- Grıssma RRtu marks the beginning Whereas the remaining stages — Sthaana
of summer in the northern hemisphere and Samsraya, Vyakta and Bheda are Vyaadhi avasthaa
it ends on the summer solstice. Dryness and (when clinical signs and symptoms of any
hotness of season causes Vata Sañcaya and disease manifest). All these stages require
Kapha SSamana in Grıssma RRtu. time-bound intervention, otherwise the
disease progresses to complications.
Varssaa (rainy season) occurs from mid-June
to mid-August-According to AAyurveda, Kaala in germination and augmentation
Varssaa RRRtu falls in the Visarga Kaala (southern of medicinal plants — the season, during
Solstice). Klinnaa (moistness) increases which the plant (intended for collection) has
causing Mandaagni (weakest digestive fire) abundant Rasa, Gunna, Vırya and Gandha, is
and SSitata (coldness) upsurges causing the best time. The role of ‘Kala’ in optimisation
Vaata Prakopa and Pitta Sañcaya. of active principle is undeniable. Optimum
time for collection of plant parts is: branches
SSarada (Autumn or Fall) befalls from mid- and leaves in Spring; the root in Summer/
August to mid-October-second part of subtle Winters; bark, rhizomes and milk (extracts)
sublime Dakssinnaayana is SSarad RRtu. The during Autumn; extracts in early Winter and
digestion is weak and there is a natural fruits and flowers should be collected as per
seasonal aggravation of acidic factors in the the season.
environment and body causing Pitta Prakopa.
Nowadays, nature is changing her features
Hemanta (pre-Winter) lies from mid-October due to increasing pollution, global warming
to mid-December-Hemanta Rtu begins with SSarad and population explosion, etc. Hence, when
Purnnimaa and it continues for two months, studying the effects of Kaala (season), one
during which the earth cools down and comes across the distorted sense, which is
energy levels start surging that make affecting the flora and fauna globally.
us feel rejuvenated. The temperature starts Coming back to the current overview of
plummeting slowly causing Pitta ssamana. time, renowned, theoretical physicist Carlo
Rovelli remarked that, “Time is an illusion.
Kalavirudhataa — diet and medicines are needed Our naive perception of its flow does not