Page 30 - NAMAH-Jan-2023
P. 30

Namah                                  Vol. 30, Issue 4, 15th January 2023

        my life. Very rarely, now not so rarely, one  Flowering of purity, inner and outer beauty
        wakes up and sees that following the dictates  and harmony
        of these disturbing elements is making life
        miserable, and that these elements come  We see that with being conscious, being sincere
        from outside, and are not a part of my  and being vigilant, we can maintain an inner
        true inherent nature. Because if they were  sanctity, and uproot all that is unhealthy,
        true to my nature, they will not make me  weed-like and not beneficial. So, sincerity
        this uneasy, the way they make me now. So,  and vigilance go together, and gradually
        beginning to question is a very good baby-step.  with our conscious efforts we feel a purity,
                                                 beauty and harmony in the being.

                                                 “You must have surely noticed (perhaps very
                                                 vaguely) that those who live in an inner peace,
                                                 in an inner beauty, a light, and perfect goodwill,
                                                 have an expression which is not quite the same
                                                 as of people who live in bad thoughts, in the
                                                 lower part of their nature. When the human
                                                 being is at his best, above his base animality,
                                                 he reflects something which is not there when
                                                 he lives in a state of bestiality.

                                                 If one tried to change one’s form out of egoism or
                                                 that famous thing, vanity, naturally, one would
                                                 not succeed, for it is something deeper which
                                                 has the power to act; but if one could refrain
                                                 from having at all times bad will, wicked
                                                 thoughts, one would see a kind of harmony
                                                 beginning to express itself gradually in the
                                                 form and features, for it is a fact that the body
                                                 expresses the inner states.

                                                 But you forget one thing. If you have in the whole
                                                 day five or six hours of higher consciousness,
        “It is an invaluable possession for every living   you feel that it is already much, and the rest
        being to have learnt to know himself and to   of the time you live more or less like a little
        master himself. To know oneself means to know   animal, you let yourself go, you are driven by
        the motives of one’s actions and reactions, the   circumstances. And you forget completely to
        why and the how of all that happens in oneself.   approach the Thing which is above, which can
        To master oneself means to do what one has   prevent you from descending into the lower
        decided to do, to do nothing but that, not to   regions of your nature.
        listen to or follow impulses, desires or fancies
        (6).”                                    You could get much more from your body if

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