Page 31 - NAMAH-Jan-2023
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Namah                              Why Would I Keep the Temple Clean?

        you only took the trouble (7).”          and every movement to the Divine and the
                                                 Shakti (8).”
        Only after (and even simultaneously) the right
        effort is put, we have in our being the flowering  References
        of the aspects of the Mother as Maheshwari,
        Mahasarasvati, Mahalakshmi, and Mahakali, as   1.  The Mother. Mother’s Agenda, Volume 5. Paris:
        shared by Sri Aurobindo in his writings on   Institut de Recherchess Evolutives; 1979 (English
        the Mother.                                 transl) , p. 158.

        So let us march forward and forward on the   2.     Sri Aurobindo. The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo,
        path, with the personal effort required of us.  Volume 32. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
                                                    Trust; 2012, p.4.
        “…. But so long as the lower nature is active   3.  The Mother. The Collected Works of the Mother,
        the personal effort of the Sadhaka remains   Volume 1. 2nd ed. Pondicherry 2003. p. 13.
                                                 4.  [Online] Available from: http://ajabshahar.
        The personal effort required is a triple labour   com/words/details/147/Ghar [Accessed 16th
        of aspiration, rejection and surrender:     November 2022].

        “.... an aspiration vigilant, constant, unceasing   5.  [Online] Available from: https://lyricspandits.
        — the mind’s will, the heart’s seeking, the assent
        of the vital being, the will to open and make   ne-khet-ujada.html [Accessed 16th November 2022].
        plastic the physical consciousness and nature;
        rejection of the movements of the lower nature   6.  The Mother. Collected Works, Volume 12; 1999,
        — rejection of the mind’s ideas, opinions,   p. 166.
        preferences, habits, constructions, so that
        the true knowledge may find free room in a   7.  The Mother. Collected Works, Volume 4 Cent ed.
        silent mind, — rejection of the vital nature’s   ; 1977, p. 55.
        desires, demands, cravings, sensations, passions,
        selfishness, pride, arrogance, lust, greed, jealousy,   8.   Sri Aurobindo. Complete Works, Volume 32;
        envy, hostility to the Truth, so that the true   p. 6.
        power and joy may pour from above into a
        calm, large, strong and consecrated vital being,
        — rejection of the physical nature’s stupidity,
        doubt, disbelief, obscurity, obstinacy, pettiness,
        laziness, unwillingness to change, tamas, so
        that the true stability of Light, Power, Ananda
        may establish itself in a body growing always
        more divine; surrender of oneself and all one is
        and has and every plane of the consciousness

         Dr. Monica Gulati, a learner and a seeker, is based in Gurgaon, India and an editor of NAMAH.

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