Page 39 - NAMAH-Jan-2023
P. 39
Namah Insight
We have to learn and strive to become totally required.
transparent, to lay ourselves bare to the
Mother in order to completely wipe our slate We have to remember that not only toxicity
clean. At times, we might invite people who is contagious, a spiritual atmosphere can
pose a threat to our inner sanctity and space, be too. Offer it as a contagious force for
into our vicinity. Through blind desire and harmony! As the atmosphere develops, a
attachment, we might tangle ourselves in a sublime immunity will step forward and
pernicious web. If that is the way we have outside disturbances will rebound off the
made our bed, sometimes we feel that we inner wall that has been erected. It is not
have no choice but to sleep in it. What we about ‘us against ‘them’; the divine contact
fear becomes a reality and what we aspire only matters.
for will manifest in our lives. This is why
we have to live in aspiration and not fear.
What we secretly invite we shall eventually
experience. When we call and invoke the
Divine into our lives, we move towards
a state of alignment and ecstasy. We feel
harmonious and free, living in the Divine.
There are no complications. Our life becomes
a consecration and an upward ascent.
If we look upon every situation and encounter Developing a spiritual atmosphere
we cross as a facet of our saadhanaa, we can
rise above toxicity. Ultimately though, we So, when disturbing company comes, try
have to work through it. Rising above leaves to draw back and smile. Be always ready
the state dormant and untouched; working for this. Do not recoil and harden yourself
through toxicity converts and ultimately into dryness. Gather yourself quietly and
transforms. We don’t invite it to appear, but repeat your mantra or whatever helps to
we are poised when it comes. We shouldn’t align the consciousness inside. A deep
strive to tackle it head-on: just work quietly connection is your base. Try to make it a
inside to install and preserve a sacred continuous process. This is not a superficial
atmosphere around ourselves. The ultimate or mechanical movement. See it as a test
safeguard it to see yourself in a cocoon of of your sincerity. This is how a spiritual
Mother’s white Light. atmosphere develops, something so conscious
that no toxic vibration can find home
This Work is not easy but if we have been inside.
summoned, we have no choice, we just have When the mud engulfs you, and it will happen,
to become warriors for change and change just remember that there is always something
always starts first inside. It is possible to solid to clasp to wrench yourself out. This
achieve clarity amid the madness around Truth that is inside us is so much more durable
us. It is a matter of always maintaining than those vibrations that keep rising and
the correct poise. A vigilant detachment is falling from the surface. The more powerful