Page 37 - NAMAH-Apr-2023
P. 37
Namah An Integral Psychology Perspective on Bipolar Disorder
by the Mother that gives a very broad view reason behind it. Integral Psychology has
of the forces at work. an evolutionary perspective and progress
on the path of inner evolution inevitably
“Each time the consciousness orients itself has to deal with the dual forces at work.
in one direction to attain some result, This becomes even more prominent, “…
everything that was in existence (not if it so happens that you have decided to
just one’s personal existence, but this sort progress and if you enter the path of yoga,
of collectivity of existences that each being then a new factor intervenes. As soon as you
represents), everything that is contrary to want to progress, you immediately meet the
this effort immediately presents itself in its resistance of everything that does not want
crudest light (2).” to progress both in you and around you (4).”
When there is a conscious effort to progress So from an evolutionary perspective of
in one direction, there is an automatic Integral Psychology, we can say that there
corresponding reaction to it. According to is an element of progress the individual is
Sri Aurobindo: making and the disorder is only a counter
force that has shown up, to be dealt with
“The law of action and reaction, valid even in and transformed. This progress need not be
physical Science, is in human action, which yogic in nature, even in the general life of a
must always depend largely on psychological society. When an individual tries to bring in
forces, a more constant and pervading truth. something new, usually, they are met with
That in life to every pressure of active forces resistance from the established social order
there is a tendency of reaction of opposite or and customs, as the new element disturbs the
variative forces which may not immediately existing harmony. This is easy to understand,
operate but must eventually come into the field but when a similar process unfolds within
or which may not act with an equal and entirely an individual it is not easy to recognise and
compensating force, but must act with some understand.
force of compensation, may be taken as well
established (3).” Integral Psychology looks at an individual
as having many parts of the being and each
From this action-reaction perspective, has its own interests and demands. In the
the effort to progress and a corresponding process of individualisation, the multiple wills
counter-force that comes into play, we within an individual need to collaborate and
get a glimpse into the general cause of get unified. But often this collaboration
disequilibrium which can be at the root of doesn’t happen and there can be an inner
various illnesses. We can also say it applies revolt, especially from parts of the being
not only to individual psychology but also that are operating below the awareness of
to collective psychology. the surface personality.
This view gives us a better insight into the The Polarity of Light and the Shadow Within
nature of the inner battle that can emerge
in an individual or the collective and the In the context of vital education, the Mother