Page 33 - NAMAH-Apr-2023
P. 33
Namah The Evolutionary Leap
bursts out of the soil of human nature a new aligning and realigning themselves along new
shoot, tender and small, yet carrying within groupings that are based on something deeper
it hope and new possibilities of the future. than physical birth, social environment,
It is yet a hint, still misread by the ignorant and outer conditions. Even religious and
eyes, but the trained observer sees the secret ideological groupings are losing their
and knows what fruits or flowers and leaves charm as sections of humanity are getting
the plant shall bear. This emergence of a new disenchanted with the limitations of these
consciousness out of the old is called in yoga groupings and how they are being misused
a new birth. for political purposes and to further their
personal ambitions. At the same time, a larger
impulse towards unity and fraternity is
beginning to seize mankind. Though the old
falsehood still continues to hold and even
resist strongly, yet it is slowly but surely
losing its iron grip upon the mind of man,
that is sick and tired of the old ways that
have failed and is looking for new ways to
express its evolutionary angst. A New World
is not being created by an act of parliament
or external force and outer methods but by
an inner change. As with all authentic change
it is emerging from within and spreading
around through an inner contagion.
The silent revolution The secret commerce of life
Unseen by the human eyes that conceal more Here is the secret of the inner commerce that
than they reveal, unmeasured by the surface yoga teaches us. Whatever we may believe,
mind, unfelt by the heart shut up in narrow the fact of the matter is that we are not closed
formulas, a silent revolution is stirring the containers. The ego-sense makes us feel as if
depths of creation, whose outer results are we are separate like closed boxes and what
manifested in various ways. These outer happens within us is known to others only
events are a clumsy way of reproducing through our speech and actions and outer
what is going on within. On the one hand, behaviour. However, there is a whole inner
it is taking the form of physical upheavals commerce that is going on all the time with
of which man is certainly a part-author. everything and everyone else around us.
On the other hand, it is taking the form of We do not know the laws that govern these
psychological disorders as well as carving subtle intimacies and occult transactions
out new ways of living. The third aspect that and hence this happens most of the time
we see is massive social changes. unconsciously.
Many sections of humanity are not only It is a vast subject, but for the moment suffice