Page 10 - NAMAH-Oct-2023
P. 10


        Rediscovering Yoga

        Defining Yoga                            unceasing aim of Nature which it represents,
                                                 and find by virtue of this new self-knowledge
        Over a hundred years back, at the turn of   and self-appreciation its own recovered and
        the previous century, Sri Aurobindo wrote  larger synthesis (1).”
        in a prophetic vein about the important
        place that yoga was going to take in the sum  This prophecy is becoming true. Yoga
        total of human activities of the future.   has indeed become one of the major gifts
                                                 of India to the world. With its appeal to a
        “We are in an age, full of the throes of travail,  wide range of humanity, independent of
        when all forms of thought and activity that  religious beliefs and secular views, with an
        have in themselves any strong power of  increasing validation by scientific research
        utility or any secret virtue of persistence  and acceptance in academic circles, Yoga is
        are being subjected to a supreme test and  fast becoming popular among the different
        given their opportunity of rebirth. The world  strata of society. Yet it is still ill-understood
        today presents the aspect of a huge cauldron  and its far-reaching effects and impacts
        of Medea in which all things are being  are far from being understood. And until
        cast, shredded into pieces, experimented on,  we discover or rather rediscover it, — for
        combined and recombined either to perish and  Yoga is as ancient as the hills — we shall
        provide the scattered material of new forms or  remain deprived of its real potential and
        to emerge rejuvenated and changed for a fresh  left unsatisfied with the husks, while leaving
        term of existence. Indian Yoga, in its essence a  the real grain that hides behind its elaborate
        special action or formulation of certain great  systems, techniques and processes.
        powers of Nature, itself specialised, divided
        and variously formulated, is potentially one
        of these dynamic elements of the future life
        of humanity. The child of immemorial ages,
        preserved by its vitality and truth into our
        modern times, it is now emerging from the
        secret schools and ascetic retreats in which it
        had taken refuge and is seeking its place in
        the future sum of living human powers and
        utilities. But it has first to rediscover itself,
        bring to the surface the profoundest reason  What then is Yoga? It is most commonly
        of its being in that general truth and that  understood as a set of physical and breathing

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