Page 14 - NAMAH-Oct-2023
P. 14

Namah                                  Vol. 31, Issue 3, 15th October 2023

        Coming back to the three main elements  and Karnna are. Yet the crown of victory and
        or consenting parties, as Sri Aurobindo  the wisdom of the Gıitaa are given to Arjuna.
        puts it:                                 Though he too is among the best, yet he
                                                 has something in him that is missing in the
        “In practice three conceptions are necessary  others. Others are fighting for the kingdom
        before there can be any possibility of Yoga;  of their promise or driven by ambition to be
        there must be, as it were, three consenting  proven the best. But what makes Arjuna
        parties to the effort, — God, Nature and the  special is that initially he wants to fight
        human soul or, in more abstract language,  only for the highest Ideal and when that
        the Transcendental, the Universal and the  failed him through the insufficiency of
        Individual. If the individual and Nature are  light, he fights in obedience to Krrssnna and
        left to themselves, the one is bound to the  his trust in the Divine leading. Most modern
        other and unable to exceed appreciably her  movements of yoga miss upon this crucial
        lingering march. Something transcendent is  element even as they miss upon the adhikaara
        needed, free from her and greater, which  bheda. Moved often with a will to enrol and
        will act upon us and her, attracting us  increase disciples, a spiritual ambition so to
        upward to Itself and securing from her by  say, they forget that not all are ready for the
        good grace or by force her consent to the  spiritual life. Of course, fundamentally none
        individual ascension (5).”               is debarred from the Yoga yet it is equally
                                                 true that not all are ready for the yoga. It
        The seeker is defined by the intensity and  is not a judgment for life but a truth of the
        sincerity of his or her aspiration. That  moment. One who is not ready today can
        which is sought for the union, the Divine  become ready tomorrow, in fact will become
        Source or Origin, is limited by our own  ready someday. But to push someone into
        conceptions. What stands between the two  Yoga when the soul is not yet ripe is neither
        is the whole field of Nature with a world  good for the person nor for the movement.
        of forces that help or hinder, assist or resist
        the journey. The seeker is not defined by the  It is this knowledge of the adhikaara bheda
        technique, though a faithful pursuance of  (readiness for the path) that prompted the
        a given method or technique does indicate  Vedic RRssis to write in cryptic language. It is
        the sincerity of effort in his pursuit. But it  also for this reason that there is no concept
        does not indicate the purpose of his pursuit,  of outer or forced conversion in Hindu
        the goal he has put before himself, the aim  thought. True conversion must happen as
        of his efforts. That goal, that aim and the  a natural need. But wherever it is forced
        sincerity in pursuing his aim is written in  through fear and lure, the Yoga is lost
        his aspiration. This is known only to the  and its spirit escapes, leaving an empty
        Divine in his heart or, if he is sincere, then to  shell, plastered with soulless mechanical
        his own awakened consciousness. A given  rituals and blood-stained thrones, where
        technique may make you an extremely  the heady wine of politics and religion mix
        skilful archer, perhaps even the best  in the chalice and destroy both. No doubt
        as far as the science and art of archery  politics, like everything, must awaken to its
        goes. That is what Bhissma and Dronnaacaarya  own spiritual possibilities but for that the

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