Page 18 - NAMAH-Oct-2023
P. 18

Namah                                  Vol. 31, Issue 3, 15th October 2023

        the soul when it is ready to heed but in  important to understand that not all are
        the disciple this call is felt as an aspiration  Gurus regardless of self-proclaim and
        or an irresistible attraction towards the  not all Gurus are the same, though they
        Divine in one or several of His aspects.  all come from the same Source. Each
        The choice of the aspect towards which  represents some aspect or the other
        the disciple is drawn depends partly on  of the Divine. There are Gurus who
        his past evolution and partly on the  point the way but do not walk with
        ultimate destiny of the soul. The Divine is  us. There are others who intervene from
        Infinite but human consciousness dwells  time to time, keeping a watch as we go
        in the sense of the finite. It cannot at  along, as a cowherd keeps a watch over
        once conceive of the infinity of God and  his cattle even while leaving them free to
        needs limited aspects through which it is  graze in the open ground. Some do not
        drawn towards the One. It is this profound  take any responsibility beyond showing
        understanding that we see displayed in the  the way and giving a teaching. Others
        Sanaatana Dharma which accepts and caters  take the responsibility and the burden
        for a wide variety of approaches to the  of the disciple, hold him through all his
        Divine. Each aspect is often represented by  struggles and stumbles and ensures that
        a god through whom the seeker can climb  he reaches the Supreme. Each shows us a
        to the One. For what else are the gods but  facet of the Divine, each point towards a
        the many aspects of the One Divine. Each is  door to the Beyond.
        unique in a certain sense and enjoys a certain
        degree of freedom in his action which yet  The important thing to realise is that though the
        derives its Knowledge and Power from the  Divine is infinite, yogis seldom experience
        One Infinite. Yet the seeker may remain tied  the Divine in His totality, samagram mam.
        to the charm and glory and greatness of one  Our experience of the Divine is limited by
        or another aspect for long.              our faith and natural predilection towards
                                                 one or other aspect of the Divine. The aspect
        To prevent this possibility of getting held back  of the Divine we meet depends also on
        or held within the ambit of a god originally  our approach. The seeker after knowledge,
        meant to climb through the stairway of the  approaching through his mind, often
        gods to the One Supreme, the Sanaatana  finds himself in a vast Impersonal peace of
        Dharma placed the Guru above all. We  Immobility where knowledge rests in blissful
        are well aware of the Guru Strotram  Light. The sadhak who enters through the
        that explicitly states that one has to  doors of devotion and love finds his lover
        see all the gods and even the Supreme  waiting for him and even ready to carry
        Para Brahman in the Guru. While in the  him safe in arms of Love and Delight. The
        Integral Yoga, the relation of the disciple  worker and servant of God finds the Divine
        with the Mother and Sri Aurobindo  Master who rules over all creatures by His
        is not confined to the traditional Guru  sovereign Will. Each emphasises his own
        and SSissya, yet Sri Aurobindo agrees with  approach and way, thereby leading to cults
        the importance given to the Guru in the  and groups and sects each of which narrows
        practice of Yoga. However, it is equally  down to one approach in which the Guru

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