Page 10 - NAMAH-Jan-2024
P. 10

Namah                                  Vol. 31, Issue 4, 15th January 2024

        element of the Yoga which, in a way, is  It is this background that has to be kept in
        the matrix in which the Yoga unfolds. It is  mind, as one is engaged in various practices
        what we term as Nature. In fact, Nature is  whose details can be found in the various
        everywhere just as the Divine is everywhere  scriptures. Surely, sincerity in the practice
        and in everything. Though universal, each  counts, but what counts even more is the
        individual is like a differentiating point  sincerity of the aspiration. The guidance
        that makes a particular selection out of  of the Guru or the Divine is the power that
        the universal nature, creating a unique  carries us through the turbulent storms and
        constitution that has both beneficial and  whirlpools of life towards the safe shores
        harmful materials, forces and movements  of Peace and Vastness and Light, but what
        that help or hinder, accelerate or retard  opens us to receive the Divine Help is faith
        the advance. That is why no two journeys  in the leading and the eventual destiny
        of Yoga are alike and hence there cannot  through all the stumbles of the passage. The
        be one single, standardised guidance,  past preparation of our nature no doubt can
        that would be equally applicable to each  be helpful, but what ultimately assures the
        and every individual, for all times. Yoga  spiritual destiny is the hand of Grace and the
        takes place in real-time. As in life so  heart of Love that are always there behind
        too in Yoga, the journey moves through  the seeker, with the aspirant even when
        several unpredictable elements. Yet the  unseen due to the apparent darkness. To put
        unpredictability of the journey and the  it in a more modern language, the contract
        difficulty of the path, means neither an  of Yoga is between the human soul and the
        uncertainty of the eventual arrival nor the  Divine and it is based on the eternal promise
        impossibility of walking through. What is  of the Divine to every struggling soul, when
        needed is the dual action of certain powers  it is plunged into the great adventure of
        below and above. Sri Aurobindo reveals  consciousness and joy. The Divine has not
        here beautifully:                        forgotten his promise and not only keeps
                                                 leading man, even when man is misleading
        “To walk through life armoured against all  himself but also descends upon earth from
        fear, peril and disaster, only two things are  time to time to lead from the front. It is now
        needed, two that go always together — the  our turn to do what we need to do from our
        Grace of the Divine Mother and on your side  side according to the clause of the contract.
        an inner state made up of faith, sincerity and  The clause of course is very simple and
        surrender (3).”                          beautifully summed up in the Gıitaa.

                                                 “My Yoga will deliver you from the great fear
                                                 and even a little of it will bring deliverance.
                                                 When you have once set out on this path,
                                                 you will find that no step is lost; every least
                                                 movement will be a gain; you will find there no
                                                 obstacle that can baulk you of your advance.
                                                 A bold and absolute promise and one to which
                                                 the fearful and hesitating mind beset and

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