Page 12 - NAMAH-Jan-2024
P. 12

Namah                                  Vol. 31, Issue 4, 15th January 2024

        Truth. We may call it God, or by whatever  It may be necessary to point out here that the
        name or no name. We can be drawn towards  dogmatic assertions of a materialistic Science,
        this something truer and greater and vaster  illegitimately applying itself in every field,
        through this form or that form or even call  almost with an evangelist fervour to convert
        it Formless. We may believe It is a Being  all others into its fold has done as much harm
        of infinite divine qualities or a state of  to the expansion of man’s soul or the human
        consciousness without any qualities or both  spirit as religions with fixed beliefs have.
        at once. As is our basic belief so is our first  One traps them in the cage of matter, the
        contact with this Reality that transcends  other holds it captive in the prison of the
        both our senses and our mind. The Divine  mind. One locks the prison with doubt and
        is One but being infinite, He or She or It or  scepticism guarded by the sentry Reason
        That, or very simply the true Self, the Self of  and the bars of senses that can hardly notice
        self has infinite facets, infinite aspects, even  all that enters and leaves, trying to capture
        infinite moods and ways of working. But since  truth in its limited formulas. Perhaps it
        human beings are limited and finite they come  gets the body but the soul escapes, a dead
        in contact with just one or few aspects of the  corpse dissected by its scalpel of analytical
        Divine.                                  reason it’s only gain. The other locks the
                                                 prison with fear, guarded by the sentries
        Thus, even though the fundamental  of reward and punishment and the bars of
        experience of the contact with the Divine  belief, while keeping out the truth of things.
        Reality is identical everywhere yet it takes  It tries to bind Truth by chains of formulas
        so many shades and expresses it in so many  and perhaps gets a hurried glimpse of the
        ways, blossoms and develops in so many  garment while the Person escapes its eyes.
        diverse directions. It is this variety that has  Both miss the essence and hold the dried
        led to the great divergence in beliefs about  flower in their hands, — one admiring its
        the Divine, in the evolution of so many ways  petals, the other counting them.
        and paths and techniques and processes
        and methods which is only natural and  The roads and degrees of freedom
        inevitable. Sanaatana Dharma, recognising
        this inherent unity and complexity, has
        always accepted and accommodated this
        diversity of cults and sects and religious
        beliefs and approaches. On the other hand,
        there are extremely narrow and rigid cults
        that remain stuck in a single formula or a
        single approach and a single book. It is this
        extreme exclusivity that has turned religion
        from a book to a bane as indeed all things,
        whether ideological or scientific when
        followed passionately and in an exclusive  But Yoga is utter freedom. It is also the
        dogmatic, one-sided manner, lead to.     royal road to Truth in all its complexity

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