Page 38 - NAMAH-Apr-2024
P. 38
Namah Vol. 32, Issue 1, 24th April 2024
emptiness has to be filled somehow. What The Yearning for Company
else can assuage this aching sadness than to
have the Divine permanently lodged inside A yearning for human company is embedded
our hearts? This is the only true cure. The in us from the moment we are born. This
truth is, the Divine is always there but we single experience captures us for life. Then,
are not conscious. gradually, we become embedded in the social
fabric and become magnets for all kinds of
‘Alone-time’, in today’s world, is generally conditionings, so much so, that we might
regarded as something to be avoided. It is even interpret our alone-time as a result of
quite radical to consider it as an opportunity. inferiority. Heeding the herd mentality is
It takes a great deal of strength and a measure what we have to swim against. The isolation
of integrality to expand and grow in one’s might lead to further morbidities and leave
own solitary atmosphere. One needs to be a lingering sense of self-pity. We have to
centred and intact, not to regress. continuously step back and disengage from
the continual flux in order to discover our
When we find ourselves alone, we sometimes Inner Friend and this is when we begin to
search for props. Generally, these episodes expand and grow.
are not used wisely. We tend to indulge our
senses. We might drink or eat too much. But this conditioning is deeply ingrained
We interact on social media and generate in us. It helps to observe this phenomenon
virtual relationships in an attempt to blot closely if it ever comes to visit you. It
out the void. As a reflex, we switch on the happened that I ‘caught’ this vibration quite
television in order to produce new images tangibly this morning as I said goodbye to
and noises. Any distraction is viewed as my family who were leaving to work in
company: anything to prevent the nightmare town, a good distance from where we live.
of being on one’s own. Anything but this There was a momentary and instantaneous
silence! Anything to remove the isolation! intrusion of emptiness and trepidation when
The prospect and reality of foregoing this happened. A long day lay ahead and
these accessories is considered unbearable. something in me suddenly baulked at the
However, they only deaden us inside and prospect. The observation made a true
slowly deepen the pit in which we live. difference. It somehow defused the automatic
reaction. One tiny spot of consciousness can
have this effect. One morsel of knowledge can
resolve any problem. Every human condition
can ultimately be processed if one is attentive,
surrendering and conscious. We just need to
be awake and watch ourselves.
Actually, I find my most dolorous moments
of loneliness have occurred when I am not on
my own. It used to come, and still occasionally
does, when I am in the company of people