Page 34 - NAMAH-Jul-2024
P. 34
Namah Vol. 32, Issue 2, 15th July 2024
less in the mundane life. This entity is present what is given us and are largely prisoners
in everyone; for some more digging may be of our conditioning. Much has already been
required. When it comes to self-pity, we have manufactured. Sometimes the procedure
to accept those cards dealt us in life and get requires disassembling and starting again.
on with living and realise that admitting this However, there is a sublime potential inside
state will get us nowhere. There can be no each one of us. This divine potential can
justification, whatever lot we face in life. Our be termed the psychic being. It awaits
soul has chosen its destiny, so get on with the our collaboration. The psychic is the most
practice of conscious living. precious part of our being. It is our Truth.
When that entity steps forward, our capacities
In yoga, one learns to become conscious of increase exponentially. What is not feasible
one’s inner world. Centre yourself and watch today will be within your reach tomorrow.
yourself closely. Keep the connection always; Take that attitude and march forward.
try to maintain a conscious and attentive
poise at all times. Observe every movement
as it comes to the surface. Try to trace them
all back to their source. Don’t discriminate
between good and bad: everything is but a
mixture after all. Watch everything, not just
the ones hurting you. Go back to the source of
everything you see. You will gradually notice
what sustains and what deflates your being.
Gradually, a sharper discrimination will
emerge. Be attentive to the chain-reaction: When we learn to spontaneously offer
become alive to the causes and consequences. everything, we reach an important milestone
in our practice. Ideally, the offering should
Be alert and try to short-circuit this habitual be instantaneous but usually we have not
sequence. It all comes suddenly in a flash, rewired our nature sufficiently to achieve
so always hold onto the thread of your that. Catching the vibration is often a belated
consciousness. Never let it go. The faintest process. For a long time, the action may be
contact may allow you to respond in a true retrogressive. Just give yourself to the sadhana a
and healing way. Catch the vibration as it and see where it takes you. Become less the
is about to elicit full acceptance inside your doer and surrender your practice to the
being. Don’t let it settle. This is not about Divine.
erasing only self-pity. It is more a matter
of cementing a condition of integral well- The phases of self-pity can also be reviewed.
being. The whole must be addressed and not The practice is a little easier. Again though,
just pockets in isolation. Be vigilant because try intervening as close to the outburst as
the sooner the vibration is caught, the more possible. It is not helpful to allow any residue
dynamic and remedial your response will be. to fester inside our being. We have to be alert.
Project the experience onto a ‘cinema screen’
We are not miracle-workers. We work with of your own creation. You are the director.