Page 30 - NAMAH-Jul-2024
P. 30
Namah Vol. 32, Issue 2, 15th July 2024
trapping. His culture a show, a sham and a The Asura is an evolutionary being climbing
hypocrisy to aggrandise his ego-self. His is from below on a stormy and turbulent path.
a creed of meaningless violence. His is a cult He is a rebel against all that would ennoble
of the ego, whose purpose is to satisfy his man, because it threatens his so-called
ambitions, lusts, greed and desires. His sense independent and free/licentious way of
of justice is a brutal tit for tat and his love is life. The deva, in contrast, is an involuntary
all made up of fear, jealousy and domination being, a being of the higher consciousness
and possessiveness. that descends from above to occupy a human
body that has become ready to receive the
influx. If the godlike energies try to enter
an Asura, his nature reacts and revolts. He
is thrown into a state of inner torment and
struggle. The only way he can evolve further
is by accepting and passing through the
human stage.
Man — a transitional being
The ‘humane’ human therefore is a transitional
Human evolution begins in the true sense being whose emergence marks the completion
when man begins to part ways with the Asura, of one curve of evolution and the beginning of
trims his ego, refines his nature, makes another. It is at this juncture that we begin to
his desires subservient to a higher ethics, see the stirring of a conscious evolution, the
tames the animal rather than justifying it birth of spiritual aspiration, the further
and masters his impulsive tendencies and evolution of man from the mental thinker
passions by bringing in a higher ethical to the spiritual seeker. This evolution itself
principle or a nobler thought to guide his takes a number of lines, creating in its trail
life and actions. And with the coming of some more sub-types. But the difference here
this man, religion and ideologies evolve is that each of these sub-types lean towards
under the pressure of a higher thought and discovering the fundamental unity, not only
nobler sentiment. of mankind but of all creatures.
In other words, the evolution of man from Until the Asura, evolution proceeds along the
the ape has taken two lines of evolution. One line of division. The human is the transition
is the way of the Titan or the Raakssasa and from this state of division to a state of Unity.
the Asura. The other is the way of Maanava Though there are a number of lines through
(Man) and the deva. Deva here implies a further which this further evolution continues, there
ennoblement of man along the line of the gods, are two basic routes that man has taken in
the devas. Human evolution may get aborted his further spiritual evolution. One way is
with the Asura or entering the human curve to enter into the depths of his heart in search
climb beyond humanity to embody beings of the Divine Reality concealed within him.
and energies of the higher consciousness. This journey transmutes the human into a