Page 40 - NAMAH-Jul-2024
P. 40
Namah Vol. 32, Issue 2, 15th July 2024
vapourised. I don’t understand why our I am grateful the South African presidency
media appears to honour bullies. Why do filed a case at the International Court of Justice
they repeat the mantra: that it is the fault in the Hague, Netherlands, alleging ‘genocidal
of the newly dead? Why do they repeat acts’ in Gaza, due to ‘indiscriminate use of
the mantra, that one country has a right force’ (2,3). The court heard the case during
to defend itself, when the governors and January 2024, and in the UK, mainstream
settlers of that country colonised, occupied media remained curiously silent about the
the land, removed people from their homes discussions (4), although the court stopped
and destroyed their olive trees too? What is short of calling for an immediate ceasefire. I
this assumed right to attack that is defended feel intensely angry about the current fighting
by so many? Is it our old collective guilt strategies. I am utterly fed up with political
about the Nazi Holocausts? responses in favour of war and retaliation,
rather than negotiation for peace, in spite of
In my opinion, we are humans with minds widespread global demonstrations for peace.
and brains and mouths, able to negotiate.
What about our hearts, can we not feel the Pope Francis asked for a ceasefire in the Holy
manipulations that are happening on earth? Land in his Easter message. Hospitals in
But we seem to prefer to use our skills to Gaza were ransacked under the pretence that
create weapons of mass destruction, generate terrorists chose to hide there. The United
income by offering our engineering and Kingdom and the United States continued
architecture skills to communities that our their Zionist perspectives until the bombing
bombs have destroyed. Perhaps we can be and murders of seven people in World Central
controlled as long as we are fearful. Kitchen vehicles with their rooves painted
with the logo of that aid agency triggered
Genocide a change in attitude. There was a pause
in thought. In April 2024, three British
The 1948 Genocide Convention, brought people died and the UK national media
in after the murder of Jews in the Nazi changed their tune. The Israeli government
Holocaust, defined genocide as “acts admitted it was ‘a grave mistake,’ sacked two
committed with intent to destroy, in whole or senior military personnel and reprimanded
in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious three others (5). Israel was asked for an
group”. I feel traumatised both by the violence independent investigation. Meanwhile, the
that is happening and by what I perceive to West continued to confuse anti-semitism
be a lack of balanced media insight, by the with anti-Zionism and criticised politicians
UN requiring a total universal agreed vote who spoke out.
in order to act and a failure of a universal
political will to negotiate peace. It seems Parapsychology around existence beyond
that those who aspire to offer balanced death
perspectives may feel bullied into silence, or
threatened with losing their jobs, or actually I fear for those people who die suddenly,
losing their jobs. I myself have felt bullied as a result of bombing or gunfire, and the
into silence and unheard. memories they might bring back to earth