Page 41 - NAMAH-Jul-2024
P. 41
Namah Perspective
of people who die unexpectedly, Palden
Jenkins replied in a personal communication
in October 2023:
“I have been doing some psychic work on the
other side, working with people who have
died, and here’s an interesting observation:
the ‘angelic operation’ to deal with the influx
of hurt, deceased souls is ‘one operation’, and
the deceased are all being treated together.”
with them, once reincarnated (6). I’d heard
various people say, “The angelic realms are
supporting the deceased together as one
group”. Also, that Jerusalem is believed to
be a portal of spiritual consciousness and an
energetic focus point for our earth.
Memory carry-over
My concerns come from when I was younger,
having had technicolour visions of being in
a Nazi concentration camp, in a previous
life, and murdered with others in the gas
chambers at Dachau, years before I was born.
I was born with memories of how I died,
and with attributable physical problems in I asked a similar question about beyond being
this life. As an adult, I became interested in dead, to colleagues at the BSMA (the British
how the mental health of the living is affected Spiritist Medical Association). The admin
by the way the dead had died. I conducted team offered information gleaned from
research and found that there seemed to be the writer, Allan Kardec (8) and others. I
many people like me with such memories asked, “Can anyone advise me on what is
(7). The current war situation triggers me, currently happening to those thousands of
and I feel as if I’ve been pole-axed: old stuff, people who’ve been slaughtered recently?
which I thought was long healed. It broadens What kind of spiritist support is there
our perspective on trauma if those beings for their souls?” Cristiana responded and
who are beyond death, are considered. The spoke about spirit responses to earlier wars.
consequences of so many dying at once are She said: “I believe the situation is similar to
unimaginable, for me. what happened during the second great war,
described for example by André Luiz in the
Unexpected death book, ‘The Messengers (9). The spirit of the
victims is rescued and taken to ‘hospitals’ in
To my questions about memory carry-over the spiritual world.”