Page 15 - NAMAH Oct 2015
P. 15

Namah                                                Knowledge frameworks in medicine and health

framing their understanding of health, body              [Accessed 19th July 2015].
and self. This Cultural and Spiritual Resource
Training Pack was written as a bridge, a             4. Whitaker R. Anatomy of an Epidemic. New
middle ground towards this paradigm                      York: Crown Publishers; 2010.
change. The aim was to bring about positive
change by opening a dialogue about cultural,         5. Moncrieff J. The Bitterest Pills: the troubling
spiritual and transpersonal models of health.            story of antipsychotic drugs. London: Palgrave
                                                         Macmillan; 2013.
                                                     6. Tobert N. Spiritual Psychiatries. Virginia:
Plural models of body and health are                     Aethos; 2014.
acknowledged. In many societies across the
world, a human being is believed to consist of       7. Clarke I, Psychosis and Spirituality. 2nd ed.
both physical and non-physical components,               London: John Wiley & Sons; 2010.
some of which precede and survive death. In
India, I discovered that the self is made up of      8.
pre-natal and extra-corporeal experiences as             visions/ [Accessed 19th July 2015].
well as post-natal psychological responses.
There is a groundswell of public opinion among       9. Rankin M. Introduction to Religious and Spiritual
those who want profound change within                    Experience. London: Continuum; 2008.
psychiatry: people who want their experiences
recognised as spiritual and treated with             10. Tart C. The End of Materialism: How Evidence of
appropriate resources accordingly. In addition,           the Paranormal is Bringing Science and Spirit
discrete academic disciplines which study                 Together. Oakland : New Harbinger; 2009.
religious and spiritual experiences must
collaborate together around the topic of lived       11. Parnia S. The Lazarus Effect: The Science That is
experiences, to explore commonalities. Western            rewriting the Boundaries Between Life and
knowledge about health is just one model for              Death. London: Ebury Publishing. 2013.
addressing well-being, amongst many others:
it is not superior, nor necessarily correct.         12. Fenwick P, Lovelace H, Brayne S. Comfort for the
References                                                http://www.horizon
                                                          Comfort_for_the_ dying_PDF_ article.pdf
1. Whitaker R. Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic              [Accessed 19 th July 2015].
    Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing
    Rise of Mental Illness in America. New York:     13. Tobert N. In-Sanity: Explanatory Models for
    Broadway Books ; 2011.                                 Religious Experience. Wales: Religious
                                                           Experience Research Centre. Occasional
2. Moncrieff J. The Myth of the Chemical Cure.             Paper no.3, Series 3, 2007.
    Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan; 2008.
                                                     14. Moncrieff J. A Critique of Genetic Research
3.             on Schizophrenia. Mad in America weblog 2014.

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