Page 20 - NAMAH Oct 2015
P. 20

Namah                                         Vol. 23, Issue 3, 15th October 2015

when answering our prayers!                       pictures and/or words. And in combination
                                                  the two can create a totally new energy that
So, by finding the essences, working with         can transform the viewer/reader. But what
homoeopathy on a physical and etheric             was I to do with this combination to nourish
level, showed me why homoeopathy taught           a talent for seeing the soul? What was I to do
in the old ways was not ‘big enough’ any          with my photos of nature where the light
more. After some time, I could see that having    differentiates in her innumerable aspects?
connected to the homoeopathic remedies, it
opened the door to feeling and knowing — not      Yet again, the Divine provided the answers
emotions. The doors had opened to feeling         in a unique way. Clients now ask me to write
and seeing other souls and understanding          down what their soul wants to tell them, as
their experiences and their path. Expanding       they cannot distinctly feel or hear it — like a
the consciousness brought the realisation         mediator. So that was the start of soul-
of the red thread in our lives and I understood   calendars as well as soul-posters. By
bit by bit the bigger pattern of things. I began  connecting to the other soul, ‘it’ chooses a
to understand why my clients had chosen           photo (either of my pool or one that has
their experiences or why an illness of the        touched the person), which is placed as a
body or mind had to manifest. I started to        background picture.
trust the knowledge arising inside more and
more. And finding out that some people do         Then the other soul conveys a text containing
not respond to homoeopathy — at all, no           its essence, talents, wisdom, etc. It mostly
matter what potency, allowed me to continue.      starts with ‘I AM’ and then the text becomes
So the search was not finished.                   as unique as the soul. For example, “I am a
                                                  true being of the light. My essences are hope,
The path continues to creative healing            courage, divine humour and devotion. By
                                                  living my talent of teaching and healing, I
And so came photography and writing. It all       will be able to let go of old fears and broaden
started, like so many things in life, just for    the consciousness of others.”
fun and pleasure — I had never envisaged it
becoming a healing tool. My teachers at           Photos/pictures in themselves need no word
school had always said that my grammar was        or explanation, no mind to understand their
a mess and my way of writing quite rotten —       essence. One only needs an open heart and
that I would never become a writer. Art           the readiness to receive what they are
teachers had always dubbed me ‘non-               emanating. By combining it with a ‘soul-text’,
creative’ — and those are only a fraction of      the reader/viewer can begin to feel his or her
the sentences and structures that emboss our      true essence again. It opens the doors to the
lives with false beliefs, a fraction of what      heart. They can start living their True Being,
needs to be undone to come to our True Being.     their talents, their uniqueness — and not
But if we stick to our own feeling we will find   what society and family has put upon them.
ourselves and that is the path of our soul.       Inspirational texts given by the Divine can
                                                  undo false belief-systems and open the doors
Some people react sensitively to the essence of   to the higher vibration of faith. They can be a

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