Page 19 - NAMAH Oct 2015
P. 19
Namah ‘All is a single plan’
levels. A person needing Natrum Muriaticum, consciousness — therefore it is only natural
on the other hand, must have been paralysed that our native remedies also need to change.
by something that has happened in the past. And this brought me to my next step —
Using this remedy,the state of paralysis can because some people would not respond to
be dissolved by its essence — again on all homoeopathy any more and I was always on
levels. Ignatia has built a world of its own the lookout for something else.
around itself because the grief was too much
and the reality was unbearable. Causticum The search took me to other healers, seekers
cannot bear injustice and has suffered and teachers. And, oh boy, it took me quite
severely under that problem — the essence of some time to recognise that some of them were
this remedy can help to see the grand picture false — especially the teachers. ‘False’ only
behind everything and that injustice is just in the sense that they were not aligned with
one perspective of the situation. the Truth — but correct for me because they
all threw me back onto myself. They helped
The essence of all can bring back peace and me to remember my talents, to feel and to trust
harmony – and equilibrium on all levels. Not what was inside of me.
that I have deciphered all of the remedies —
but when being with a client and with no idea When I had the feeling that homoepathy
beforehand of what this client needs or what was not the end, they said things like
the essence of all his or her problems could be “Homoeopathy is not enough for you” or
— then by opening the consciousness the “You need to go bigger”. My mind did not
information starts to flow in. Pictures, colours, understand a thing they said and the only
words, feelings and a knowing emerges — question it had was “How do I do that and
even if necessary information from past lives what are they talking about?” But my heart
— in order to get to the core of the problem to knew that in a sense they were speaking a
find the essence of all. And with that, the truth. Homoeopathy not big enough? But
remedy comes along often by itself. anybody practising it knows it means a
lifetime of study and understanding — so
And just as everything is energy — so too is how could it not be ‘big enough’?
the essence. For some people it is vital to get
the physical potency in form of some globule But that is always the trick on the path —
or other because the body needs this form. understanding the messages one receives. To
But others can be given the essential energy identify what comes from the ‘dark’ side, to
by ‘energising’ pure water. Masuro Emoto take you off the path — and what is of the
has proven with his experiences that this is Light.
possible. So just take a glass of water in your
hands and ask for the essence that you need What always helped me was turning to the
in the potency you need. And do not wonder Mother and Sri Aurobindo for guidance —
if the potency goes into the millions as times and in Their writings I have always found
have changed since homoeopathy was an answer. Or answers are sometimes sent
initiated by Samuel Hahnemann. The energy in the form of a song, a line in a book, a phrase
on earth has risen and with it the global on TV — God has such a sense of humour