Page 44 - NAMAH Oct 2015
P. 44
Namah Vol. 23, Issue 3, 15th October 2015
and instability. Thereby, IBEF energy could Case report 2: additional IBEF healing
be extended to critical areas to expand
healings, reduce existing adverse forces and A 24-year-old woman (Lupe) had been
enhance collective ‘goodness‘. A small élite having chronic seizure symptoms since early
team of volunteers could be trained to childhood. Every 1-2 days, she would suffer
maintain the centres, as well as evaluate their from shaking, sweating, vomiting and crying.
short-term and eventual impact. Recently, following her visit to the restaurant
where IBEF had been induced, Lupe's
In addition, this 'cadre' of volunteers might condition greatly improved. The seizures
develop strategies for IBEF’s collective presently occur much less often (every 1-2
healings of pandemics and epidemics — weeks) and are less severe. Bio-energetic
such as ebola, typhoid fever and malaria — analysis and QRT by the investigator
in rural areas, towns and cities of designated indicated that Lupe's disorder had largely
countries. The strategy impact could be been caused by an allergic reaction to
assessed by means of case reports, interviews pesticides, which was thereafter eliminated
and health department statistics. by IBEF exposure.
Appendix 1: case reports Case report 3: linkage
Case report 1: IBEF healing After inducing IBEF at the centres and
Auroville, the investigator found, using QRT,
A 28-year-old woman (Allison) is a staff that a core element, ‘brain-body-field’ (BBF),
member at a fitness centre, where the IBEF was not functional at a particular place (a
healing atmosphere was first induced. Prior fitness centre). BBF represents a harmonised
to IBEF, for 9 years, she had been having flow of energy between components of the
symptoms of a chronic disorder involving physical body and the brain. If the flow is
seizures several times a week. The medical inadequate/not detectable, BBF can be re-
diagnosis was non-specific, but her doctor activated by re-inducing it into an IBEF
prescribed a medication, which she is still centre.
taking as a precaution. After the initial
seizures, Allison's driving license was In re-activating BBF, the investigator saw this
withdrawn and she became more cautious case as an opportunity to demonstrate the
in her daily life. Recently however, soon after linkage dynamic. The latter involves the
IBEF was introduced at the fitness centre, induction of a component into a centre
Allison no longer manifested any disorder followed by its apparent energy transfer
symptoms. She does not have seizures and (linkage) to other IBEF centres.
feels healthier and more energetic. Her
driver's license has been restored and she is In order to demonstrate linkage, the invest-
driving again daily, including the occasional igator visited firstly another IBEF centre (an
long-distance car trips Indian restaurant) and asked a friend-