Page 45 - NAMAH Oct 2015
P. 45

Namah                                            Creating a healing atmosphere...III

waitress (Simran) for assistance to be PDM-      activated — for the IBEF energy to be widened
tested, while holding the BBF-vial. The aim      to encompass Eleanor's home. The investigator
was to determine whether BBF was present         thereby carried out steps a) and b). Soon after
or not at the centre. Simran's RDM-testing       he completed the procedure, Eleanor called to
showed weakness so BBF was not detectable        inform him that her symptoms — persistent
at the centre.                                   pain in the female area, and a feeling of
                                                 sickness — had virtually disappeared and
The next day, the investigator visited the IBEF  that she felt almost normal again. The
fitness centre and repeated the testing with a   investigator's QRT verified that Eleanor's
staff member volunteer (Willie). When            herpes disorder had become dormant, but still
holding the BBF vial his PDM-test showed         required long-term healing, to be facilitated
weakness, which verified that BBF was not        by the IBEF Extend mode. It should be noted
present. Afterwards, the investigator induced    that, based on QRT, her immune system had
BBF at the IBEF centre and PDM-tested Willie     previously been functioning below a 50%
again. This time, his testing showed strength,   level, but after the IBEF had healing increased
indicating that BBF had been successfully        to a 90% level.
induced at the fitness centre.
                                                 Case-report 5: VIFI
Later on, the investigator returned to the
restaurant and re-tested Simran. As expected,    The case involves a 50-year-old man (John),
she now showed PDM-strength, indicating          who frequently had skin eruptions of
that BBF was present at the restaurant centre.   redness on his face, scalp, and neck. This
Thus the BBF-vial induction of healing energy    was especially detrimental for him, being
had apparently been transferred from the         employed as a public speaker. A PDM-scan
fitness centre to the restaurant and presumably  by the investigator indicated that he had
to all the centres and Auroville — in effect,    multiple bio-energetic disorders. These
linking their IBEF fields.                       included: a) Staphylococcus bacteria; b)
                                                 excessive toxicity; c) allergies to salt and
Case report 4: extend mode                       spices; d) miasmic reaction (at homoeopathic
                                                 level) to radiation; and e) adverse energy in
Residing within 5 miles of an IBEF centre, a     the form of an entity.
59-year-old woman (Eleanor) had been
diagnosed with herpes 1 and 2 with               John received two kinds of energy healings:
recurring symptoms. QRT confirmed that           1) Attending an IBEF centre, together with
she was currently suffering from herpes          the investigator; and 2) thereafter, several self-
symptoms and would benefit from bio-             administered VIFI applications during a one-
energetic treatment. To facilitate the healing,  month period. Subsequently, PDM-testing by
QRT indicated: a) the generic herpes vial's      the investigator revealed that John's prior
energy would need to be induced into the         symptoms, a) to e), had been cleared and were
centre; and b) the extend mode should be         no longer detectable.

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