Page 30 - NAMAH January 2016
P. 30

Namah                                            Vol. 23, Issue 4, 15th January 2016

the effects or even the symptoms of this         lies. In all of us, I believe there is a particular
human malaise. So the process of alignment       part of our nature which has the greatest
begins inside, radiating over the outer being,   resonance with the psychic influence. It is
the physical itself. It needs to be integrated   the part of our nature which most shines; it
with the outside world. It is a process of       reflects something of the radiance of the
expansion too.                                   psychic being. This, indeed, is our destined
                                                 gateway into the soul-realisation itself. This
Harmony brings equilibrium throughout            aspect of our nature still breathes and
our being. I find that all alignment begins      vibrates in the realm of the Ignorance. It is
with equilibrium. This balance is essential      still prone to error, but for the time being it
to our psychology but steadies the physical      is our chief source of strength and shows the
consciousness too. When one learns to            rest of our being a truer perspective. It
align oneself, this protection provides a        provides a way forward and the process of
thick layer of immunity, becoming a              alignment needs strength to support it. This
wonderful preventive against all manner          is a phase of transition. Our spirit is
of illness or attack. It can forestall or save   expanding and this seed, which is our
us also from the onset of accident and           evolving soul, is slowly making firmer roots
catastrophe. This alignment guarantees an        inside our being and venturing outwards.
abiding resonance with the Divine Grace.         By continually referring to it and asking it
The seed of knowledge begins to sprout           for guidance, the Truth inside us becomes
inside and gradually we begin to learn and       more singular and definitive to our eyes. We
trust that the Truth is our best armour and      begin to interpret its instructions and
protection.                                      answers more clearly. Surely, it has been
                                                 present all along but it has hitherto been
Our ‘divine possibility’                         obscured by the curtain of our nature. Over
                                                 time, we can observe this veil slowly being
Many years may pass before one realises          lifted. As it rises, a more infallible Guide
one’s soul. For most, the process will take      gradually emerges.
many lifetimes. One has to want it above all
else. Initially at least, we see or feel it in   Working inside
auspicious moments or with unexpected
glimpses. We may be conscious some of the        Change is the purpose and there are many
time of its presence but without the certitude   ways to initiate change, particularly with the
and settled experience of realisation. The       body. “The method by which you will be most
psychic influence tends to work from behind      successful depends on the consciousness you
the scene. It often comes when our guard is      have developed and the character of the forces
down, usually when our doubting mind has         you are able to bring into play (2).” Some may
gone to sleep. So there are steps before the     like to visualise a story bringing about a
truest alignment.                                successful cure. I myself was recently
                                                 introduced to the idea of talking to the cells,
In the meantime, we can look into our nature     surrounding them with an aura of harmony
to ascertain where the ‘divine possibility (1)’  and love. But with intention behind, our own

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