Page 25 - NAMAH January 2016
P. 25

Namah  Eating for Health: a new system, not another diet — I

of foods, self-awareness concerning food          This concept is slowly growing as a subject
choices and eating behaviours and an              of scientific enquiry, though due to the
aesthetic and spiritual approach to the           simpler nature of testing individual nutrients
culinary arts. It shares some qualities with      in tightly controlled experiments, we still
Level three, but allows for more personal         have much to learn. Nonetheless, what is
choice, variety, seasonality and individuality    currently being demonstrated (28) is what
according to one’s personal needs, tastes,        Eating for Health has maintained through
ethnic origin and commitment level.               the years: 1) we still have much to learn
                                                  concerning the full complement of nutrient
Food choices at Level four are not made by        constituents of foods; new nutrients are being
formula, but rather by discerning what the        discovered on a regular basis, therefore a
body needs and what the best available            diverse intake of nutrient-rich foods is the
choices are at a given time. At this level, we    best way to get the most nutrients; 2)
choose among a wide variety of healthful,         nutrients in food enter our bodies in context,
organic foods, as well as a variety of dietary    i.e., in balanced combinations in a whole
patterns. We exercise moderation in the           food’s matrix, and the body knows how
amount of food we eat and take more time          to deal with them through digestion,
and care in its preparation and presentation.     metabolism and absorption; 3) the food
Food is understood and appreciated as an          matrix allows for a timed release of nutrients
instrument of personal healing and sharing        rather than a large bolus from a supplement,
with the community. Nourishing ourselves          which can overwhelm the body; and 4) the
becomes a wise, mature and loving act of          body can recognise the difference between
awareness cultivated through daily practice.      a non-identical synthetic nutrient and its
At this level of eating, the concept of S.O.U.L.  biologically natural form.
food becomes important. This concept
suggests that produce be as Seasonal as           In support of this, studies have demon-
possible; all foods be Organic as much as         strated, for instance, that whole foods
possible, Unrefined, and as Locally grown as      such as apples, brassica vegetables and
possible. Choosing S.O.U.L. foods is a            tomatoes have a greater anti-proliferative
powerful tool for ensuring fresh foods with       effect on cancer cells than do individual
high nutrient-density and the acronym             isolated nutrients or mixes of nutrients
reminds us that eating provides not only          (29). Similarly, it has been shown that a
good nutrition but spiritual nourishment as       high intake of dietary antioxidant foods,
well.                                             but not their supplemental counterparts,
                                                  reduced DNA damage in a group of
Food synergy                                      radiation-exposed individuals (30).
                                                  Because foods vary in their nutrient
Consistent with the idea of nutrition heroes      content according to variety, season and
and Level Four eating is the idea that            the quality of their own food-supply,
nutrients from food have different effects in     (31) suggest that the best nutrient
the body than do nutritional supplements          supplement is a diet composed of
and provide us with greater health benefits.      diverse whole foods.

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