Page 35 - NAMAH January 2016
P. 35

Evolution Next — VI

Dr. Alok Pandey

We can regard evolution as a mechanical, inconscient process or a conscious unfolding. If it be the
former then there it is like a blind and random process at a mega scale where no one really has any
particular role in it. But if it is a conscious process with a direction and a plan, then we can not only
observe it but also consciously participate in it. There are several levels at which Nature unfolds itself
creating several levels of self-awareness. What is seen as unconscious at one level may well be seen as
conscious at another. What appears as lifeless and inert at one level of vision and understanding may
appear teeming with life and even idea at another, life pushing matter to organise itself in certain ways.

Evolution would mean that first man             Normally Nature ties down a species to its
would become aware of the many-tiered           fixed pattern of working by habit and law.
play and the deeper forces engaged in           In fact the law of a species is nothing else
this labour. Breaking off from purely a         but a habit or a conditioning, if we like. This
material understanding of creation and          conditioning is not just at a macro-level but
the possibility of mastering these material     at the very cellular and perhaps even at the
forces, we will begin to look at the other      atomic level. While we cannot say with
avenues of Nature and other kinds of forces     certainty about the atom, one thing is
and their mastery. Still, it would not make     certain. There are glimpses of life or a life-
the evolutionary journey a safe one. Even       like behaviour in the atomic particles and
when we have learned to master all the          the ‘dead mechanical universe’, our very
forces of our inner worlds, learned to use      earth behaves in many ways as if it were
them to harness and use our outer world         living. Of course, we must not restrict the
better, the danger would still remain, this     sense of living to certain fixed phenomenon
time not from outside but from within. That     but to the fundamental processes that work
is why Nature sets a limit to this approach     behind what we call as living. For instance
too. It yields the knowledge of certain occult  living things come into existence, that is to
energies now hidden to the materialist’s        say, are born, grow and disintegrate. Living
view but carefully guards her deepest           things also tend to replicate, bring out new
secrets.                                        but similar elements out of themselves. They

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