Page 17 - NAMAH-Oct-2016
P. 17
Namah Principles of plant taxonomy
The Buddhist logician Dharmottara in his forms more intense, rapid, poignant, though
Nyāyavinduttīkā records the phenomenon less evolved towards the surface (23).”
of sleep in certain plants, in the form of
contraction of their leaves during the night. It was with this attitude that the ancient
Sankara Mishra in his Upaskara mentions the Indian medical scientists and botanists dealt
bhagnaksas tasomārohanan of plants, which means with plants. Although parīksās or investigation
that there is a natural healing after injury due was one of the prominent means for them
to the growth of organs. The Shantiparva (184- to validate their knowledge yet they relied
10-17) of the Mahābhārata enumerates several mostly on their intuitive mind. Discovering
physiological principles including the sense by intuition and developing by logic was
of touch, hearing (response to sound), vision, their method in systematising knowledge. If
smell, irritability, etc. in respect of plants (21). we see how the Mother of the Sri Aurobindo
Ashram gave spiritual names to hundreds
In modern times, scientists like J.C.Bose of flowers, it will help us to understand the
and others also confirmed the truthfulness ancient Indian methodology and philosophy
of the above facts. “To find out whether the of naming and classifying plants. Once, one
plant perceives and reacts to a shock, the stem of the disciples asked the Mother, “Mother,
is placed between a fixed rod and a movable when flowers are brought to you, how do you
magnifying lever, the movement of which is give them a significance?” The Mother replied,
further magnified by optical means to something “…by entering into contact with the nature of
like a million times. The experiment described the flower, its inner truth. Then one knows what
was carried out before a group of world-famous it represents (24).”
scientists of the University of Vienna. A very
feeble electric shock was sent through the plant, It was with this spirit that the ancient Indian
and through one of the leading physicians who aca ara yas gave names to everything, by entering
was in the same circuit. The human being felt into the soul and nature of the thing. The
nothing, but the Contraction Recorder showed thousands of names of plants available in
that the plant gave a shuddering twist under various ancient treatises are the expression
the shock (22).” of this inner contact with the nature and soul
of the plants.
Sri Aurobindo states,“Chit, the divine Con-
sciousness, is not our mental self-awareness; References and end-notes
that we shall find to be only a form, a lower and
limited mode or movement. As we progress and 1. Jones W. Botanical Observation of Select Indian
awaken to the soul in us and things, we shall Plants. Volume 4. Kolkata:Asiatic Society of
realise that there is a consciousness also in the Bengal, Calcutta. Asiatic Researches. 1795; pp.
plant, in the metal, in the atom, in electricity, 237-312.
in everything that belongs to physical nature;
we shall find even that it is not really in all 2. Müller M (ed).Sacred Books of the East: The Laws
respects a lower or more limited mode than the of Manu.Volume 25. Bühler G (trans). Oxford:
mental, on the contrary it is in many ‘inanimate’ Oxford University Press; 1886, pp. 46-8.