Page 22 - NAMAH-Oct-2016
P. 22

Namah                                       Vol. 24, Issue 3, 15th October 2016

are effective in depression due to their        The mental plane of consciousness
action through neuro-transmitters. But
it is a fact that any psychiatric clinic has,   The mind manifests in the evolutionary
besides the somatisation disorders (which       schemata when the life-energy has animated
thrive without organic basis), its organic      the physical plane to an optimal point. It is
quota of low-back pain, radiculopathies,        natural therefore that our cognitive styles
neuropathies, migraine, facial pain, pelvic     can get associated with emotional responses
pain, atypical genital pain and arthritis that  to produce different behavioural patterns.
all get varied amounts of relief from anti-     In the case of chronic pain, a negative
depressants even without satisfying the         cognitive connotation may get associated
diagnostic criteria of depression. In the       with a maladaptive emotion to produce what is
Eyurvedic tradition however, all diseases       known as an exaggerated and negative mental-
are psychosomatic in nature with every          set. This negative cognitive-affective response
individual being assessed simultaneously        to pain is known as ‘Pain-Catastrophising’ in
along psychological dimensions (the gunnas)     contemporary parlance. Pain-Catastrophising
and the somatic dimension (the dossas).         magnifies both real and anticipated pain,
Various combinations of gunnas and dossas       causes anxiety, depression, pessimism,
are considered to underlie various diseases.    helplessness, rumination and is associated
Perhaps such a diagnostic model would           with decreased response to pharmaco-
better explain why anti-depressants can be      therapeutic intervention and worsens
beneficial in chronic pain with no visible      post-operative pain. There are disorders
clinical depression.                            like temporomandibular muscle and joint
                                                disorders (TMJD) where both depression and
The consciousness perspective of psychology     Pain-Catastrophising act together to increase
works in a novel way. Instead of analysing      the degree of disability. Pain-Catastrophising
isolated emotions and relating them with        is less in the presence of positive emotions
pain, it recommends a rejuvenation, widening    like hope and optimism. Even children are not
and upliftment of the vital energy, life-force  immune in whom depression with negativity
or élan-vital that is the repository of our     and hopelessness get correlated frequently
emotions, many of which are conflicting         with abdominal pain. Pain-Catastrophising
and contradictory to each other. There          leads to a fear-avoidance model which can
are several techniques that align the           become more vicious than the catastrophising
individual energy (Pranic SSakti) with the      itself. Chronic pain can lead to fear of
universal life-energy and then link the         movement or kinesio-phobia that can become
collated individual-universal energy with       quite incapacitating. Finally, unremitting
the transcendental or spiritual fountain-       pain may push a subject to opt for voluntary
head of energy (4). This combination helps      euthanasia wherever that option is available.
the subject to open oneself to universal
healing energies. Such an endeavour would       Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) used
augment healing benefits derived at the         in chronic pain syndromes is effective but
physical plane whether by medicinal or          has its limitations. This is because while
naturopathic interventions.                     the subject focuses on negative attributes,

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