Page 41 - NAMAH-Oct-2016
P. 41

Collective bio-energetics: food detoxification — I

Joachim P. Seckel

Utilising a form of Applied Kinesiology by muscle-testing, the study focused on three food toxicity
factors — Pesticide, Food additives, and Food colouring matter (PAC) — as detected for eight types of
foods available at a supermarket in northern California. The market is located in the vicinity of a fitness
centre for which an Integral Bio-Energetic Field (IBEF) had previously been established. Each of the
PAC factors was later on selectively induced into the IBEF centre, thereby expanding its bio-energetic
potential for detoxification. Subsequent post-testing indicated that exposure of the food samples to IBEF
led to their detoxification involving the three PAC factors.

Introduction                                  Methodology

The investigation may be considered being     The investigation covers several areas of
sequential to a prior study regarding the     interest, as follows: 1. Baseline indicators
bio-energetic detection and detoxification    showing three toxicity factors within food
of air-pollution, as detailed in the April    samples in trace amounts; 2. Selective induction
2016 issue of NAMAH (1). The current          of these factors into an IBEF centre; and 3. the
investigation represents the first of two     resulting detoxification.
studies concerning food toxicity — its
initial detection, and elimination after      Baseline measures
exposure of the food samples to an
Integral Bio-Energetic Field, known as        At the outset, baseline measures revealed
IBEF. The detoxification is believed to be    trace amounts of toxicity contained in eight
due to the vibration emanating from the       types of foods available at a local supermarket,
energy field. The IBEF had earlier been       located in the vicinity of the initial IBEF centre.
created (induced) and verified as existing    The three toxicity factors were: Pesticide,
at a local fitness centre (2). Basic methods  Food additives, and Food colouring matter
used for creating and activating IBEF are     (PAC). The inorganic food samples included
summarised below in the Appendix.             banana, onion, tomato, bell pepper, potato,

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