Page 42 - NAMAH-Oct-2016
P. 42

Namah                                           Vol. 24, Issue 3, 15th October 2016

ginger-root, mushroom as well as  mixed             The second type is selective induction. It
frozen vegetables (carrots, peas, beans) for        serves to expand the overall scope of IBEF,
which trace food colouring was detected.            in order to provide specific kinds of healing,
                                                    allergy clearance, and detoxification.
The PAC factors were detected by applying
a form of Applied Kinesiology, referred to          Induction of PAC toxicity
as Pre-Determined Muscle Testing (PDM),
(3). The testing involved several steps: 1)         After the baseline testing, the three PAC
the recipient continually holding the food          toxicity factors were selectively induced into
sample; and 2) also, holding, successively,         the IBEF centre, as verified with pre-post
three water-filled vials, each of which had         PDM testing. Stated briefly, the procedure
been electronically sensitized for a different      consists of three steps. First, I ask the Divine
PAC factor; 3) the investigator PDM-testing         Mother for guidance to enable the procedure.
the recipient — pressing on his/her (right          Next, I hold the complex vial which was used
or left) down-turned wrist, arm extended,           to create IBEF together, successively, with
while he/she gently resists the pressure. A         each of the three PAC vials. Then, I visualise
relatively ‘strong’ muscle indicates a non-         myself using gentle acupressure, as follows:
allergic condition; whereas, a “weak” muscle        with the index fingers on both sides
indicates an allergic reaction — to a specified     between the vertebrae, press once down
PAC toxicity factor.                                the 12 thoracic and 5 lumbar vertebrae.

It should be emphasised that the baseline           By performing this step for each of the PAC
samples had been obtained from a supermarket        vials, the three PAC substances will have
nearby the IBEF centre. According to prior          been induced into the IBEF centre.
studies, IBEF effects are ordinarily limited
to a centre’s immediate vicinity. However,          Each factor was tested twice: before the
a special procedure can be applied so as to         induction, showing that it was not present
extend IBEF effects within 5-mile radius (4).       within the IBEF centre; and again after the
                                                    induction, verifying its presence within the
Selective induction                                 centre.

Initial baseline data were obtained prior           The testing was done first by the investigator;
to the application of a selective induction         next, as ‘blind-testing’, by an assistant,
procedure.                                          Allison, a staff-member at the fitness centre
                                                    where IBEF had initially been established.
At this point, clarification is needed with regard
to two types of bio-energetic inductions.           Detoxification effect

The first of these is overall induction. It         Following the selective induction, PDM
involves a combination of seven core elements       was repeated as post-testing for each of the
to produce a complex vial for creating IBEF.        eight food samples, for which earlier baseline

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