Page 37 - NAMAH-Oct-2016
P. 37

Namah                                                Evolution Next — IX

evolution it will be just another animal or          religious and moral crisis with its impact
insect that has simply overgrown in size and         upon his very bodily and material existence.
capacity. But if the intuition of the wise is true,  Much that we cherish about our humanity
then man is destined to cross the limits of his      and pride over our human-ness may well be
objective world and the subjective prison to         lost as if a regressive phase were closing upon
discover a greater self and a greater world.         earth and man with all kinds of ominous
Perhaps this is what is metaphorically meant         foreboding and predictions of doom. Yet, if
by the ‘promised land’ and the kingdom of            evolution is not a freak accident, if there is
heaven which man must discover, neither by           indeed a purpose mingling with the steps of
transporting himself to some post-mortem             Time, if chance and chaos are merely strategic
state nor by struggle and fight for some             movements of Nature to discover a new
earthly strip but by a space hidden between          equilibrium and explore a new possibility
the folds of his obscure matter. Just as man         then we are clearly close to a breakthrough. A
was hidden within the folds of the animal            breakthrough in the most ancient laboratory
body and the animal inside the skin of an            called earth, a breakthrough within man
insect; just as a caterpillar is the precursor of    himself! It means we are close to emerging
a butterfly and the seed holds within itself         into a new species whose stirrings we can feel
the giant oak tree, so too our body cells hold       in our seeking and our hope of a New World,
within them, hidden, though sometimes                whose slow churning we can feel in our sense of
hinted, almighty powers. Once these powers           dissatisfaction with the world as it is. This New
emerge and become natural to earth and               World sometimes visits us in dream-passages
embodied life here, then we shall discover the       or else makes a sudden unexpected entry in the
kingdom of heaven and the Promised Land,             corridors of Time through new discoveries in
in our very body itself. It is in the body itself,   various fields that radically alter our self-regard
in the very cellular fabric of earthly life, in the  and our world-view.
dumb atomic mass, that we must discover the
‘new possibility’ just as the animal discovered      This New World cries in our hearts as some
it with the clipping of the bird’s wings and         kind of labour pain for a New Birth. This
the reptile by losing its legs.                      New World declares itself boldly in the rebel
                                                     tired of old tables and in the mystic plunging
The evolution of man                                 into new depths, soaring to new heights to
                                                     find new ground and new force to build our
Something akin may well happen to man, is            life anew. This New World is everywhere,
perhaps already happening. Man may well              sometimes asserting itself while at other times
lose the extreme use of his mental faculties         slipping slowly through the gaps in the old
with a rise of irrational (both infra-rational       world. Some see it, some don’t; some feel it
as well as supra-rational) manifestations. The       and some don’t. That is the only difference.
human measures may begin to fail leading             			
to a massive social and political, as well as
                                                                                         (To be continued)

Dr. Alok Pandey, an editor of NAMAH and member of SAIIIHR, is a doctor practising at the
                                           Sri Aurobindo Ashram.

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