Page 9 - NAMAH-Jan-2017
P. 9


The metaphysical basis for integral health — individual destiny

In ordinary life, the human destiny is at first      been held to be exclusive by its voyagers.
to survive the battle of life and when that has      The integral approach actually rises above
been made secure, the destiny shifts to be in        all exclusivism. In contemporary usage, the
possession of circumstances. In contrast, the        transcendental approach has been eulogised
higher destiny of mankind is to seek God, have       to such an extent that God is considered to be
a realisation of God or even identification with     a Transcendental Reality. Now, if one identifies
God. In the fifth Chapter of The Life Divine titled  with ‘God’ or ‘Reality’ at the transcendental
‘The Destiny of the Individual’, Sri Aurobindo       poise, one can get such an overwhelming
traces the trajectory of the higher destiny that     experience that an identification with Reality at
leads to Godhead.                                    other poises (Cosmic and Individual) becomes
                                                     unnecessary, insignificant and not worth the
However the Aurobindonian paradigm does              trouble! The integral approach however gives
not deal with an anthropomorphic version             equal significance to all aspects and considers
of Godhead. It does not merely deal with an          the transcendental, cosmic (universal) and
extracosmic creator or a benevolent Ruler or         individual poises as representing the same
an abstract ethereal concept. In fact, God is a      Reality in different denouements.
complex construct, a Divine Consciousness
that is simultaneously relevant at the Trans-        Manifesting God
cendental, Universal and Individual poises
of the same underlying Reality. Moreover this        In Sri Aurobindo’s scheme of things, if one has
Divine Reality contains everything and is also       to identify with God or the divine consciousness
contained in everything besides being identified     in an integralist perspective, then identification
with everything. Therefore any realisation or        with the Transcendence does not suffice; the
identification with the Godhead or Divine            identification has to take equal cognisance of the
Consciousness has to be simultaneously               transcendental, cosmic and individual poises
relevant at multiple levels, necessitating an        of the Reality. But even then Sri Aurobindo is
integral movement towards an integral Reality.       not satisfied with a mere identification with
                                                     the Reality at all levels. For him the crowning
A closer enquiry reveals that an integral            glory of the individual destiny is to manifest the
realisation of the divine consciousness actually     Transcendence in individual, earthly terms.
includes and surpasses all the conventional
pathways to God that have been practised             Obviously, such a concept might seem
throughout history. The difference is that           blasphemous to some conventional schools
usually each single pathway traversed has            of theology for whom the ‘impurity’ of the

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