Page 13 - NAMAH-Jan-2017
P. 13
Namah Cultural U-turns in understanding mental health
for intense experiences and the transitional ceutical companies had corrupted the American
use of old pathology labels. Mental health Psychiatric Association and documented how
and spiritual experiences are on a continuum, the American public were misled about the
and I have acknowledged trauma triggers biology of mental disorders, the validity of
and new treatment options. I have explored diagnoses, and the efficacy of psychiatric
potential evidence about a normal range of drugs (3). In late 2016, a conference was
altered states of consciousness, achieved held in Gothenburg, Sweden on the risks
spontaneously and by specialists. I end by and alternatives to pharmaceuticals (4),
suggesting a variety of ways forward, which where speakers included psychiatrists and
acknowledge new paradigm thinking for psychologists.
societal benefit.
The problem lies within the education
Old-fashioned assumptions system in medical schools, whereby students
are taught about the biological origin
As more psychiatrists become aware of of mental diseases in the brain and the
ethical dilemmas facing their profession, pharmaceutical drugs used to treat them.
they emphasise the importance of social They learn about the predispositions of
context for understanding distress, rather different ethnic groups towards psychosis
than biological origins. Evidence against (in a rather racist educational system). This
old-fashioned psychiatry and reductionist teaching also ignores patients’ psycho-social
Western medicine is growing from within histories of trauma, oppression, repression
the profession, and general physicians, and suppression. In those days diagnosis
psychiatrists and psychologists are seeking depended on the beliefs of the observer (5, 6).
new ways of understanding.
In some parts of the West, the practice of
Challenges are being raised which question medicine does not require any knowledge of
biological causes of ‘mental illness’ in the religion or spirituality. Apart from general
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), physicians, specialist medical doctors focus
the theory of chemical imbalances and the on increasingly narrow aspects of the body.
efficacy and benefits of medication. The Furthermore, cultural blindness may exist,
British psychiatrist, Moncrieff questioned whereby professionals may believe cultural
whether psychiatric drugs targeted underlying differences are of little importance, and view
diseases and she claimed drugs did not everyone through Western spectacles.
correct chemical imbalances (1). The social
anthropologist, James Davies showed how The new ways
scientific research was manipulated. He
interviewed the originators of the DSM and In the West, several groups of people have
discovered that it was created by discussion expressed dissatisfaction with the current
and without reference to scientific evidence model of mental health diagnosis and
(2). treatment. These are:
In the USA, others investigated how pharma- • culturally new migrants, refugees and