Page 11 - NAMAH-Jan-2017
P. 11
Namah Editorial
‘Cosmos’ and the ‘Individual’ are ‘relative and consciousness, the pathway to personal growth
phenomenal’, even then, ‘Brahman’ (The Being, includes a holistic perspective of health too. A
The Reality, the Absolute) has consented to be perfected after-life in heaven does not harbour a
represented in temporal terms just to experience concern about the bodily life which may indeed
the joy of self-manifestation in limited terms. be looked upon as a burden or obstruction. That
“Brahman is in this world to represent Itself is why there are some religious approaches that
in the values of Life. Life exists in Brahman in encourage tormenting and torturing the body.
order to discover Brahman in itself. Therefore In Sri Aurobindo’s paradigm, the destiny of the
man’s importance in the world is that he gives individual leads to a transformation of the body
to it that development of consciousness in which by manifesting the Supreme Consciousness in
its transfiguration by a perfect self-discovery terms of earthly reality. Not a body impoverished
becomes possible. To fulfil God in life is man’s by conscious suffering but glorified for perfection
manhood. He starts from the animal vitality and in the manifestation is the cherished goal. It is
its activities, but a divine existence is his objective imperative that a new paradigm of integral
(2).” health must arise to serve this great destiny
of the body awaiting its hour of glory.
Thus the spiritual pathway to identification
with the Transcendent is as important as the References
existential pathway to individual perfection. If
the former encompasses sophisticated yogic and 1. Sri Aurobindo. Birth Centenary Library, Volume
mystic techniques, the latter does not exclude 18. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust;
an integral approach to personal growth. If the 1970, p. 40.
spiritual pathway to the Transcendent or to
the Cosmos deals with the ethereal echelons of 2. Ibid., p. 36.