Page 13 - NAMAH-Apr-2016
P. 13
Namah “Pain simply flows out” — insights on healing pain
back pain for a few days. She was unable Difficulties of doubts and fears
to move out of bed, the slightest movement
caused excruciating pain. Even to make a In some patients, the pain tends to return
phone call was a big task. We started the after the healing session. The healing happens
healing session over the phone. With her eyes when the consciousness is turned within,
closed and awareness turned towards the and the body gets in touch with a different
body, I helped her to move to inner spaces consciousness which heals. For many this is
behind the heart, and to invoke the Divine a supranormal state of consciousness which
Light. The moment the journey inside began, they achieve during moments of aspiration
she could feel the anxiety leaving, the body or prayer, and the moment they come down
relaxing and soon she found herself in a to waking consciousness, it appears as if they
painless state surrounded by joy and deep were in a dream state. In the waking state,
peace. This was an amazing experience; doubts and fears recur thus recreating the
within a few minutes, the entire being moving circumstances which had in fact created
from a state of unbearable pain, suffering the problem. In some, the anxiety to heal
and anxiety to a completely different state themselves acts as a barrier to the healing
of being, not just one without pain, but one process. Fear is another factor which prevents
full of joy and peace. This state lasted for a healing and brings back the pain.
few hours. However, the next day when she
woke up, the pain recurred and the struggles All the patients described above were
too. But something had changed within, a of different ages and came from different
confidence came that this pain could be educational and social backgrounds, spir-
managed. itual affiliations and experience. They
had tried various traditional approaches
This experience revealed that there is another to heal themselves, including yoga and
state of consciousness within us, a space complementary systems of medicine. They
which is self-existent and is imbued with had been suffering for months or years
joy and peace. This part of our being is free together with the same problem and yet,
from the afflictions of our body and mind, it the moment they worked consciously on
apparently does not suffer with the suffering their body from within, the body always
of the outer being. An experience of this space responded positively. Though many may not
gives a perception of vastness and joy. This have understood the deeper philosophical/
part of our being is normally veiled from the spiritual aspects of healing, yet they were
surface consciousness; however with a little able to work on their body effectively. They
effort it can be accessed. Even a brief journey learnt to use a few inner methods to control or
into this space gives a decisive belief, creating remove the pain. In some instances, a single
a deep inner change in our attitude towards healing session is enough to relieve the pain,
body and healing. Pain and disease no longer while in others it may take multiple sessions
appear so fixed and dreaded; rather they to heal. It is as if there are multiple layers of
appear to be temporary minor aberrations the being which need to be healed. Fear and
of the different parts of the being which can doubt emerge as the major barriers to inner
be easily managed. healing, while faith and openness facilitate