Page 36 - NAMAH-Jul-2017
P. 36
Namah Vol. 25, Issue 2, 15th July 2017
union of Chit and SSakti. They are one and of refining our nature. It rests too much on the
indivisible. But we have only a split second; frontiers of the imagination. More important
otherwise all is lost. Otherwise we have to though, the past can never be completely
suffer the inevitable consequence of our corrected by going backwards. The only way to
inattention again and again until the lesson truly efface it is to remain absolutely present
is fully absorbed. in the first place. This station comes from
being in a state of perpetual self-alignment: it
I find myself constantly experiencing such is true growth and yoga. We need always to
negative movements slip out of my grasp! stay awake because the only way to transform
Once it appears, it’s already gone. I get caught them is to enlighten them as soon as they rise
in the drama and before I know it, the fire is onto the surface. It is an exercise in living.
lit. The more unconscious one stays, the more
the problem will repeat and persist. If anger The subconscious
is not to rise again, the whole being needs to
be centred constantly on our Truth. It is the Our emotions often source from subconscious
only safeguard. The gap between trigger and regions. If we’re honest and sufficiently awake,
response needs to be constantly narrowed. we find ourselves, partially at least, secretly
The true response, securely founded on the controlled by them. So many of our emotional
Truth, that is our destination, but the reality responses don’t make sense; it is impossible to
is usually quite different and so we find source them all in a precise way. We can sense
ourselves playing catch-up with our negative the grooves that lead to them up to a point
emotions time and again. We might fester but going further, all is obscurity. They can
even into self-pity and remorse. The emotions not only be illogical but incredibly repetitive
might slump into a deeper chasm. I find often too. We come back to the phenomenon of
anger’s aftermath brings invariably a state of habit again. It is the subconscious that clamps
confusion, exhaustion and depression. I guess our emotions down to the fixed grooves of
it all depends upon the characteristics of habit. We feel ourselves chained to reactions
one’s individual nature. One thing is certain that we cannot control or comprehend. The
though: if the ego has a chance to dwell on it, conditionings of the past limit us in a most
the damage will be only magnified. chaotic way. Our emotions become scattered
and dispersed, eroding our well-being and
For therapy, we can even retrace our steps and fail to point us in a coherent direction. They
go back to that fatal instant. We can attempt lead us to psychological dead-ends.
to re-live that trigger and its consequence.
We can experience that fury once more and We need to know where our emotions come
then expel it from our nature or harmonise it from and where they lead. We should first of
around our Light inside. We can go backwards all try to trace them on more conscious levels.
and even manufacture a different outcome. We should allow the practice to evolve, deepen
This is a technique I gleaned years ago in and naturally work through us. If we surrender
holistic workshops of the West. It was a way of to the process, this will happen. We need to
processing ‘life-shocks’. This method certainly observe these emotions as disinterestedly as
helped, but it seems to me now a skewed way possible. It is an exercise in introspection. It is