Page 40 - NAMAH-Jul-2017
P. 40

Namah                                     Vol. 25, Issue 2, 15th July 2017

        In June 2006, a friend suggested I practise  cannot be inflammatory cell recruitment to the
        snorting warm water through the nostril in  site of infection, injury or allergy. Continued
        order to clean the nasal passages. So I took a  presence of inflammatory cells or any
        glass of warm water and snorted it deep into  carcinogens may lead to cycles of tissue
        my nose and to my surprise I found that the  injury and repair resulting in carcinogenesis
        water went deep into the nasal passages and  of the airways.  Therefore, treating these two
        the excess mucus that had formed there was  factors  is very important for airway integrity
        cleared within minutes and my breathing  and to prevent airway diseases, including
        had improved.                            throat  and  lung  cancers.  For resolution of
                                                 these factors, a rapid programmed clearance
        As a result, I started to develop an interest in  of  excess  mucus is  necessary. As a result, the
        understanding the basics of human physiology  origin of the inflammation is resolved, although
        and the functioning of the different organs,  a little medicinal assistance  may  be necessary.
        particularly the lungs in the human body. I  Currently available medicines like Mucolytics,
        came to know about the upper-airway passages,  Mucokinetics,  Mucoregulators (steroids),
        including the sinuses, their functioning and   expectorants, etc. are not able to meet the needs
        their relationship with the lungs.       of sufferers for managing hyper-secretion
                                                 of mucus. Sometimes in serious cases like
        The upper-airway passages are considered  chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive
        to be the primary sites of colonisation of  pulmonary disease, patients are referred to
        pathogens, and from where they spread to the  physiotherapists for the removal of excess and
        trachea, the bronchial tree, as they constitute  sticky mucus from the throat and lungs through
        only one pathway. I discovered that acute  percussion  methodology, which is currently in
        inflammation, chronic inflammation and  use but without any success.  Therefore, I felt
        hyper-secretion of mucus are  factors  that are   some alternative methodology was necessary
        responsible for all respiratory diseases like  to free the lungs from excess mucus.
        common colds, sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma
        and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,  With the medical knowledge I had gained, I
        throat and lung cancers, etc.            devised some exercises by which these resp-
                                                 iratory problems could be brought under
        Further, I also learned that acute inflammation  control within minutes. These exercises are
        is a defence-process whereas chronic inflam-  therapeutic tools and are a potent medication
        mation is a disease-process. Hyper-secretion  in history. They are mucokinetics and a recipe
        of mucus is the result of goblet cell hyperplasia  for healthy ageing. They reduce C-reactive
        in respiratory mucosa and is a prominent  protein, resulting in reduced inflammation.
        feature of inflammation.  If we manage the  The exercises strengthen the re-modelled
        above factors, we can prevent and manage  airways and reset the biological ageing process.
        all respiratory diseases.                There is no substitute for exercise.

        Further, chronic inflammation and its prominent  Upper-airway passages cleaning exercises
        feature, hyper-secretion of mucus are fuses that
        ignite cancer. Without these factors, there  These exercises should be practised with a

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