Page 30 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 30

Namah                                  Vol. 25, Issue 4, 15th January 2018

        reinforces all the hedonistic and narcissistic  resolve to work through the vital and rise
        phenomena in our consciousness and therefore  above baser instincts. The aspiration is
        sabotages our progress.                  not just a mental decision, but a call from
                                                 our psychic being for a deeper existence
        Therefore, as soon as we start seeing and  which then permeates in the vital and seeks
        hearing our vital clearly, we need to cultivate  reformation. When this aspiration persists
        the habit of stepping back and disidentifying  in the foreground of our consciousness, it
        from it. This can be done by telling ourselves  can serve as a constant guide. It is best to
        that what we see is not our whole being but a  make a three-layered aspiration. Firstly,
        very tiny part and therefore we must not let it  one must will to restrain the expression of
        overrule us. We may use a small visualisation  the negative in one’s actions, feelings and
        technique where we can visualise ourselves as  thoughts. Usually, people believe that by just
        an ocean. The vital part is the surface where  aiming to purify their actions, they will be
        waves are moving in a volatile and forceful  able to change themselves. However, from
        manner and beneath the surface there is deep  a spiritual point of view, one’s undesirable
        and calm water that represents our psychic  thoughts and feelings are as hazardous as
        being. While holding this image in our mind  a negative behaviour in pulling down the
        and feeling its vibrations, we need to reflect  consciousness.
        on the fact that we are the deeper part and in
        a moment of self-forgetfulness have identified  Secondly, besides resolving to restrain the
        with the surface part as our complete being.  negative, we must also aspire to nurture
                                                 the complementary positive within us. For
        It may seem very challenging in the beginning  instance, if we are very angry then, besides
        because we are used to being dominated by  desiring to not be angry, we must will to be
        the vital. But gradually with persistent effort,  peaceful, loving and forgiving. This ensures
        we can develop the strength to keep the vital  that when the negative is being surpassed
        at a distance. This gives us a choice for feeling,  a vacuum does not come up within us and
        thinking and acting from a deeper layer of  the force of the positive enhances our power.
        consciousness.                           Thirdly, our aspiration must not be limited
                                                 to just becoming a better person, but the goal
        Aspiration                               should be to alter oneself in such a complete
                                                 manner that one becomes fit to be used as
        “... you may have an aspiration in the vital;  a faithful instrument in the Divine agenda.
        if you have desires or troubles, storms, inner  This type of aspiration ensures that we do
        difficulties, you may aspire for peace, to be quite  not become contented with a minor degree
        impartial, without desire or preference, to be a  of self-improvement, but continue to march
        good docile instrument without any personal  ahead in our yoga till we are able to bring
        whims, always at the Divine’s disposal(2).”  down the divine Light into our being.

        The next step is an aspiration, which is a will  An aspiration can be made stronger by repeatedly
        to find, live and finally be the truth. This  remembering and concentrating on it. We
        involves making a firm and concentrated  need to find ways to remember it for the

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