Page 31 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 31

Namah                                        Working through the vital

        duration of the day and the night. Beginning  The most powerful way to work through
        our day by recollecting our aspiration and  the vital is to repeatedly offer its negative
        praying that all contemplations, feelings  movements to the Divine with a prayer that
        and exercises that we carry out must be in  they should be converted and complementary
        line with it can be extremely helpful. While  positive movements should be strengthened.
        going to bed, we can once again summon our  Through these various steps, the vital gives
        desire, with a petition that its fire ought not  up its resistance and starts surrendering to
        to be diminished during our sleep. Likewise,  the higher influence. But even then, there are
        throughout the day we must sincerely call on  times when we are exhausted, depressed,
        our aspiration to take the central position in  relaxed or ecstatic and we feel like letting
        our consciousness.Just as we put multiple  ourselves go. During those moments, we
        reminders in different places if we have an  need to be even more vigilant and exercise a
        important task to finish, we could use the  stronger effort so that the negative movements
        same technique to remind ourselves of the  are unable to find an excuse to reassert
        aspiration. For instance, we can put a screen  themselves. The goal should be to observe
        saver on our laptop, a message in our car, a  perfect sincerity in our effort at all times and
        small note at visible places in our house. By  under all circumstances.
        seeing this aspiration many times during
        the day we are more likely to remember and  “Do you know what perfect sincerity is? ... Never
        call upon it.                            to try to deceive oneself, never let any part of
                                                 the being try to find out a way of convincing
        Effort                                   the others, never to explain favourably what
                                                 one does in order to have an excuse for what
        Once the aspiration has been made strong  one wants to do, never to close one’s eyes when
        by repetitive concentration, we need to  something is unpleasant, never to let anything
        exercise our effort to materialise it. This  pass, telling oneself, ‘That is not important, next
        can be done by using our aspiration as a   time it will be better (3).’“
        constant guide and placing before it all
        our feelings, thoughts, needs, desires and  Nourishment
        actions. At each moment, one needs to
        ask oneself whether these are in line with  According to the Integral Yoga, everything
        our aspiration or they contradict it. If they  within us whether big or small, base or refined
        support our aspiration, we must express  has the potential of evolving and becoming
        and reinforce them, but if they oppose it  divinised. Thus, the vital need not be looked at
        then we need to reject them. During these  just as an impediment that has to be plucked
        moments we can talk to the vital politely  out and thrown away. An integral way of
        but firmly as one would talk to a child  dealing with it is through love, nurturance
        explaining that its movements are self-  and implicit faith that it too has the potential
        destructive and sabotaging our greater  to evolve into something beautiful, pure and
        good. We can convince it to change by  blissful. The vital cannot abide boredom and
        explaining how it will also feel joyful in  always seeks intensity. When providing
        the long run once our consciousness grows.  nourishment to the vital, we are prone to

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